The system specification report of the SSH Open Marketplace was delivered in October in the context of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project, produced within WP7 led by DARIAH and in particular Task 7.1, led by UGOE (University of Göttingen). It describes the user requirements identified, the conceptual model of the SSH Open Marketplace, as well as the overall system architecture with a description of key internal and external components and their dependencies.
This document, which delivers the results of Task 7.1, aims to the specification of the SSH Open Marketplace (SSHOC MP) in terms of service requirements, the data model, and system architecture and design.
The Social Sciences & Humanities communities are in an urgent need of a place to gather and exchange information about their tools, services, and datasets. Although plenty of project websites, service registries, and data repositories exist, the lack of a central place integrating these assets and offering domain-relevant means to discuss and enrich them is evident. This place is the SSHOC Marketplace.
The approach towards the system specification is based on an extensive requirements engineering process. First and foremost, user requirements have been gathered through questionnaires. The results have then been prioritised based on user feedback and the experience of the SSHOC project partners. Based on the requirements and thorough state-of-the-art analysis, a data model and the system design have been developed. In doing so, as much as possible of the work from previous European projects has been taken into account, and integration with the EOSC infrastructure has been a primary concern at every step.
The system specification now serves both as a starting point for the development of the SSHOC Marketplace and as a communications tool within the project and externally. Over the course of the agile development of the Marketplace, the system specification will evolve as it contributes to a growing number of SSHOC outcomes.
A more extensive post on the specifications of the Marketplace that are interesting to researchers and on DARIAH’s role in the development will follow soon.
You can read the Deliverable 7.1 System Specification_SSH Open Marketplace here.
The original post can be found on the SSHOC website.