What are the benefits of joining DARIAH?
Becoming a DARIAH’s member brings a number of concrete benefits for researchers, research institutions and research policy development at the national level, through the structuring and capacity enhancement that occurs locally, nationally, regionally, and of course at the European level. In specific:
For Member Countries
Being part of DARIAH will:
- Maximise investment in research – by sharing the costs of infrastructure development, DARIAH members get the most out of the money they invest to support their arts and humanities research base
- Advance technology – accessing, developing and sharing digital resources and services beyond borders, receiving guidance and solutions on IT basic components
- Focus and centralise the national research base and their infrastructure requirements – DARIAH members receive support and structures to develop mechanisms for setting up a (Digital) Arts and Humanities national infrastructure which will serve their research base, meeting their requirements and connecting it to their European counterparts
- Leverage funding – having direct access to funders, a louder voice and stronger strategic influence in the field of Digital Humanities, being able to participate in national and European calls and benefit from the knowledge within the organisation for project planning. Members also benefit from the DARIAH quality assurance, coming from our breadth of contributors, and DARIAH’s oversight of the European Commission’s affairs
- Shape research – facilitating access to new research methods, new technologies and novel approaches to the legal and ethical issues emerging from the digital transformation of humanities research
- Promote teaching and training – ensuring your researchers have access to boundless training resources and opportunities to further build skills and expertise
- Enhance strategy – gaining higher visibility for your national research and institutions, being able to present progress and developments in a variety of different networks
- Become part of a nationwide and European network – openly exchanging knowledge and information, learning but also sharing research expertise with fellow partner institutions and researchers from other member countries and already established European networks
For Research Institutions/Individual Researchers
Joining DARIAH will:
- increase visibility of your institutional and/or individual research in the area of (Digital) Arts and Humanities at the European level
- provide you with opportunities for international collaboration through exchange of knowledge, skills, expertise and training
- offer sustainability possibilities of your outcomes of digital research projects, methods, tools and services, ensuring long-term accessibility by the community
- support and guide you through the changing policy landscape, providing Open Science and domain-specific Open Access best practices and training
How to join DARIAH
Participation in DARIAH ERIC can take place at several different levels:
- Member States of the European Union, associated countries, third countries or intergovernmental organizations, represented by their ministries or research councils, can join DARIAH as Members;
- Countries interested in DARIAH, but who are not yet ready to join as Members, can join as Observers;
- Institutions, public or private, which serve a public mission, from countries who are not yet DARIAH Members can participate as Cooperating Partners;
- Have access to all tools, services, activities of the ERIC
- Have access to the funding schemes of the ERIC
- Have the opportunity to shape the DARIAH strategy and budget allocation as voting members of the General Assembly and the National Coordinators Committee (NCC)
- Have the right to chair a Virtual Competency Center (VCC) and/or a Working Group
- Have access to all tools, services, activities and funding schemes of the ERIC
- May attend the National Coordinators Committee and General Assembly but with no voting rights
Cooperating Partners:
- The rights and obligations of Cooperating Partners are specified in a binding agreement between the institution and the ERIC for a period of three years with the possibility of renewal (Template European Cooperating Partner agreement, Template non-European Cooperating Partner agreement). Some general information about the benefits and requirements of becoming a DARIAH Cooperating Partner are outlined here.
DARIAH is always open to institutions and individual researchers who have an interest in collaborating with or contributing to DARIAH, as part of the DARIAH Working Groups, following DARIAH Annual Events and training opportunities for example.
Membership fees apply to Member Countries and Observers, based on the GDP figures of each country (check the DARIAH ERIC Statutes: Annex II on cash contributions). Observer status (coming with an indicative membership fee) and Cooperating Partners status is a pathway to full Membership. Visit the list of members and partners for more information on the composition of national consortia.
If you are interested in becoming a Member, an Observer or a Cooperating Partner, or if you would like to find out more about contributing to DARIAH in any way, please get in touch with us at info@dariah.eu.