We are excited to share the dates of the DARIAH Annual Event 2025, planned to take place on June 17th to June 20th in Göttingen, Germany. The venue for this year’s event is the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen). June 17th will be a day for DARIAH internal meetings, followed by the main conference on June 18th to June 20th. Topic of this year’s event is The Past.
This year, the DARIAH Annual Event will be held next to the annual plenary of the NFDI consortium Text+ on June 16th–17th. Text+, a consortium focused on text and language-related research data, addresses disciplines that are also of significant interest to DARIAH. Holding these two events back to back will allow for an exchange between numerous related interest groups and disciplines. DARIAH covers the entire humanities, arts, and cultural sciences, while Text+ represents the text- and language-based research communities and the former CLARIN-D and DARIAH-DE leading institutions.
Germany is a founding member of DARIAH-EU with its leading institution SUB Göttingen since 2014. Göttingen played a pivotal role in all project phases of the German DARIAH node, DARIAH-DE, from 2011 to 2019, and continued to support the DARIAH-DE Operations Cooperation until 2021. Currently, DARIAH-DE is led by the SUB Göttingen (DARIAH-DE Coordination Office), the Max Weber Foundation (National Coordinator) and the GWDG Göttingen (technical lead). All three institutions also participate in Text+ and further NFDI consortia as well as the Association for Research Infrastructures in the Humanities and Cultural Studies.
Until then, mark your calendars and save the date! We will be publishing more information on the conference and the call for papers in the coming weeks.
The DARIAH Annual Events is the annual gathering occasion of the DARIAH community to meet, discuss and present research on the year’s set topic. Have a look at past DARIAH Annual Events here.
* Thanks to our local organisers and the team at the SUB Göttingen for publishing the save the date announcement, find original post here.