Call for Papers: ‘TwinTalks 4: Understanding and Facilitating Remote Collaboration in DH’ – NEW DEADLINE 22 MAY!
The workshop is a joint initiative by the European Social Sciences and Humanities Research Infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH and it will be organised as part of the DH 2023 Conference “Collaboration as Opportunity” that will take place on July 10-14 in Graz, Austria.
Dates and Location
- Main conference: 10-14 July, Messe Congress Graz convention centre
- TwinTalks workshop: 10 July, 09:00 – 17:00 CEST, University of Graz
Important Dates
- 15 March 2023: Call for Papers
- 22 May 2023: Submission deadline (extended)
- 15 June 2023: Notification of acceptance
- 30 June 2023: Deadline for the final version of extended abstracts
- 10 July 2023 (9:00 – 17:00 CEST): Workshop
Workshop Aims
The main objective of the workshop is to develop a better understanding of the dynamics on the Digital Humanities work floor when researchers, teachers and/or professionals with different – but often overlapping – areas of competence engage in remote collaboration to solve humanities research questions, and to explore how education and training of humanities scholars, cultural heritage professionals and technical experts can help to make remote collaboration across disciplines more efficient and effective, more creative and innovative, and more inclusive and rewarding for all participants.
To this end, we invite submissions reporting on all aspects and stages of engaging in remote collaborative research and teaching in DH, including the obstacles encountered and solutions found. We also welcome position papers on the role of research infrastructures in facilitating remote collaboration in DH.
The insights gained should help those involved in the education of humanities scholars, professionals and technical experts alike to develop better training programmes, tailored towards the needs of a diverse group of potential learners.
The workshop is a follow-up of three previous successful TwinTalks workshops that have taken place at various DH conferences from 2019 onwards (TwinTalks 1 proceedings; TwinTalks 1 blog; TwinTalks 2+3 proceedings).
Researchers, cultural heritage professionals, educators, scientific programmers, research infrastructure operators and policy-makers with a special interest in creating the conditions where people with humanities research skills and technical expertise (or both) can fruitfully collaborate in answering humanities research questions remotely.
Workshop Format
The programme starts with an invited talk by a prominent speaker, which will set the scene for the rest of the day. The main component of the workshop programme consists of two types of (submitted) talks:
- Twin talks, i.e. talks presented by pairs or teams consisting of someone rooted primarily in humanities research (with a humanities research problem, i.e. not a technical problem or tool), someone with a background in a totally different discipline (e.g. technical) who has contributed their specific capabilities to arrive at the answers, and/or a cultural heritage professional whose collection knowledge has contributed to the development of the research corpus. Talks will usually consist of three parts, followed by questions from the audience: In the first part, the humanities research question is the point of focus, while in the second part, it is shown how the joint effort resulted in an answer to the respective question. In the third part, these perspectives come together, as the team describes how the remote collaboration went, including obstacles that were encountered, and how better training and education could help to make remote collaboration more efficient and effective.
- Teach talks by people with experience with or interesting ideas about how remote cross-discipline collaboration is or can be addressed in curricula or other training activities.
The language of the workshop is English.
What we expect from the submissions for the Twin Talks track:
- They are authored and presented by one or more humanities scholars and one or more digital experts
- They start from a humanities research question (i.e. not a technical question, a presentation of a tool, a platform or a data collection)
- They describe the remote research carried out jointly and its results
- They describe the technical aspects of the methods used and the results obtained
- They analyse the way the scholars and the technicians collaborated remotely, addressing issues such as (but not limited to):
- What was easy and what was difficult, and why?
- How did the researchers, technicians or cultural heritage professionals change each other’s way of looking at things?
- Did they, for instance, make each other aware of blind spots they had?
- Did the combination of thinking from a DH research question and thinking from a technical solution lead to new insights?
- How could better training or education of scholars and digital experts make remote collaboration easier, more effective and more efficient?
With regards to the TeachTalks track, one single author and presenter is sufficient. Of course, multi-author papers are equally welcome.
Submission instructions
- Format: PDF. For format instructions, see
- Size: Extended abstracts, size ca 4-8 pages (between 2000-4000 words), covering research questions and answers, technical aspects and collaboration experience for Twin Talks, or relevant educational experience for Teach Talks.
- Publication: The workshop proceedings will be published at CEUR-WS.
- Submission URL:
Workshop Programme Committee
- Bente Maegaard (CLARIN
/ University of Copenhagen, Denmark) - Barbara McGillivray (King’s College London & The Alan Turing Institute, UK)
- Benjamin Wiggins (University of Manchester, UK)
- Eleni Gouli (Academy of Athens, Greece)
- Francesca Frontini (CNR, Italy & CLARIN ERIC)
- Frank Uiterwaal (EHRI / NIOD / KNAW, Netherlands)
- Folgert Karsdorp (Meertens Institute, KNAW, Netherlands)
- Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta, Canada)
- Hitoshi Isahara (Center for IT-Based Education, Japan)
- Koenraad De Smedt (CLARINO, University of Bergen, Norway)
- Kristen Mapes (Michigan State University, USA)
- Maciej Maryl (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
- Maria Gavrilidou (Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athens, Greece)
- Menno Van Zaanen (South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, South Africa)
- Milena Dobreva (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria)
- Mikko Tolonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Radim Hladik (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
- Ulrike Wuttke (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany)
- Vicky Garnett (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Chairs and Organisers
The workshop is a joint initiative by European SSH Research Infrastructures CLARIN ( and DARIAH (
- Steven Krauwer (CLARIN ERIC / Utrecht University, Netherlands)
- Darja Fišer (CLARIN ERIC / Institute of Contemporary History, Slovenia)
- Iulianna van der Lek-Ciudin (CLARIN ERIC, Netherlands)
- Sally Chambers (DARIAH-EU / Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Belgium)
- Agiatis Benardou (DARIAH-EU / Digital Curation Unit, ATHENA R.C., Athens, Greece)
Contact Information
For any questions, please contact Iulianna van der Lek at