DARIAH Annual Event 2023: Cultural Heritage Data as Humanities Research Data?
Collections in libraries, archives and museums have been at the heart of humanities research for centuries. However, with the current focus on data-driven research, data management plans and the research data lifecycle, in what ways do we need to think differently about cultural heritage collections as data?
Inspired by the proclamation “cultural heritage data is humanities research data”, this year’s DARIAH Annual Event will seek to explore what this means in practice. What does it mean for cultural heritage institutions to provide access to their ‘collections as data’? Do we need to think of different workflows for digitised and born-digital datasets? Can we think of a humanities research data continuum? These are only some of the questions we aim to explore at the 2023 DARIAH Annual Event.
To inspire your submission to this year’s DARIAH Annual Event, we propose the following three themes:
1. Sustainable workflows for data management and curation
The provision of cultural heritage collections as data requires a substantial rethinking of the way that libraries, archives and museums provide access to their collections. How do cultural heritage institutions manage the balancing act between serving researchers and the general public in terms of data, access, reuse? To what extent do they offer their data in a way that makes it readily usable for researchers? What tools are currently available to facilitate the creation of cultural heritage datasets and for corpus building? How are such datasets described? Could these descriptions be internationally agreed and standardised? What are the current best practices for cultural heritage institutions to make their collections FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable)? How can these best practices be translated into sustainable workflows.
2. Imagining experimental data spaces for cultural heritage
Within the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Marketplace has already made substantial in-roads in aggregating and contextualising tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows for the SSH research communities. Within the cultural heritage sector, the development of a common European data space for cultural heritage and Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage are both set to innovate the access to and sharing of cultural heritage data. How can cultural heritage institutions contribute to the creation of such data spaces? What could the next steps and building blocks be? If data spaces are intended to facilitate and enhance access to data, how will the accessibility and usability of such platforms and interfaces be ensured? What roles could research infrastructures such as DARIAH play in the development of such data spaces?
3. Advancing digital methods for the analysis of cultural heritage
What do collections as data mean for methodological advancement in the arts and humanities? Do digital methods such as Text and Data Mining, Natural Language Processing and Network Analysis move from the fringes to the mainstream? What opportunities do interdisciplinary collaborations in the areas of Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning enable us to advance humanities-specific knowledge extraction? How can advancing digital methods foster innovative and diverse forms of research output such including data publications and overlay journals?
How to submit your contribution
We invite (digital) humanities researchers, cultural heritage professionals, humanities data stewards and computer, information and data scientists to present their finished or ongoing work related to this year’s theme.
To help you shape your submissions we have proposed the following three sub-themes: a) Sustainable workflows for data management and curation; b) Imagining experimental data spaces for cultural heritage and c) Advancing digital methods for the analysis of cultural heritage. However, submissions of relevance to the overall Annual Event theme are welcome and not limited to these three sub-themes.
The call for participation accepts:
- Papers
- Panels
- Posters and Demos
Please note that the call for papers is now closed.
We are pleased to invite you to register to the DARIAH Annual Event 2023, through ConfTool. Please note that this year’s annual event is planned as an in-person event. While some aspects of the event will be live-streamed, you are expected to participate and present to this conference in-person.
There are no conference fees for participants. However, there is an optional social dinner planned at 35euros and is self-paid through ConfTool. Find more information here.
You can have a look at the programme of the event here. If you are already registered on ConfTool, you can create your personalised conference agenda there.
The 2023 DARIAH Annual Event is planned to take place in person on June 6th to June 9th in Budapest, Hungary. The venue for this year’s event is Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Trefort Garden Campus. June 6th will be a day for DARIAH internal meetings, followed by the conference on June 7th to June 9th.
The DARIAH Annual Event offers the DARIAH community and beyond the possibility to present results and new ideas; to meet and network. Check past DARIAH Annual Events here.