DARIAH ERIC, the European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, reacts with shock and deep regret to the military incursion by Russia into Ukraine. We join our fellow European associations, institutions and individuals in calling on the Russian government to respect the international conventions on the protection of individuals, their infrastructure and their culture and express our deep concern for the safety of innocent civilians.
We deeply condemn such an act of violence and we stand in full solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues. We strongly support the sovereignty of Ukraine and we declare that there is no legitimacy to the actions undertaken to sabotage the peace, stability, and autonomy of the Ukrainian nation. We also acknowledge the distress of our students and colleagues now forcibly separated from home and family, and the courage of those members of the Russian scientific community who have spoken out against the current aggressions, and who may equally come under threat.
We call on the DARIAH research community, our fellow research infrastructures, cultural heritage institutions, and the international network of academics, to extend any possible help to our Ukrainian colleagues and the Ukrainian society.