SSHOC has released an animated video to explain what is the SSH Open Marketplace in an easy way, inviting testers on this alpha version of the Marketplace.
Launched in tandem with an online public consultation platform which will facilitate communications between testers and the developers of the SSH Open Marketplace, the video presents a vision of a discovery portal which pools and harmonises all the services, software, training materials, datasets, workflows and scenarios Social Sciences and Humanities researchers might need during the research data life cycle.
Watch the video:
SSH Open Marketplace Development Timeline
The Alpha version of the SSH Open Marketplace was released on 30 June 2020. Ahead of the Beta release scheduled for December 2020 and as detailed in a previous article SSH Open Marketplace: What’s in it for you?, the initial onboarding phase which led up to the Alpha release will now give way to an extended population phase during which the content of the SSH Open Marketplace will be considerably enhanced. The developers will also build on the experience of the initial onboarding phase to develop tools and strategies to handle as many sources as possible.
Involving the SSH Community
In keeping with the best practice in agile and user centered design which has characterised the development of the SSH Open Marketplace to date, this new phase will be as reliant as ever on input from the Social Sciences and Humanities communities. The first public consultation has already taken place with the DARIAH community in July while others are under planning.
Volunteers who register as members of the SSH Open Marketplace Tester Community will be provided with access to the SSH Open Marketplace during the period from September to November 2020 so they can test drive the user experience and offer suggestions regarding content and sources as well as curation and governance.
After the Beta release in December 2020 and until the release of the final iteration in December 2021, the SSH Open Marketplace will be made available to the wider community so that all users can further improve data quality by suggesting content additions, changes or updates.
Becoming a Tester
To learn more about what to expect as a tester, and to join the SSH Open Marketplace Tester Community, click here.
*This post was originally published on the SSHOC website.