This is a guest post by Agiatis Benardou, Scientific Associate at the Digital Curation Unit / ATHENA R.C. and co-head of VCC2 in DARIAH.
On Thursday, April 2nd 2020, at a time of extreme uncertainty and in the midst of social distancing, lockdowns and isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Digital Curation Unit / ATHENA R.C. designed and carried out the first Greek-run international Digital Humanities conference which took place entirely on Twitter.
The event, under the title “DH in the Time of Virus”, was organized in the context of APOLLONIS, the Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation, a compound of DARIAH-GR and CLARIN:EL, which is co-ordinated by ATHENA R.C.
“DH in the Time of Virus” was an experimental endeavour, inspired by a Public Archaeology Twitter Conference held entirely on Twitter in 2019, but this time the organizers saw fit to adopt and expand it as an idea, and to focus on the subject of Digital Humanities in the time of a highly contagious, potentially life-threatening virus.
To this end, the topics of the Twitter Conference were the following:
- Distance education / e-Education
- Remote research / e-Research
- Defeating isolation: digital tools, methods and platforms
- Digital History / Philology / Archaeology of Disease and Epidemic
- Medical / Health Digital Humanities.
“DH in the Time of Virus” invited speakers were renowned Digital Humanities experts, both academics and practitioners, as well as Digital Research Infrastructures and Initiatives from across Europe.
The conference was significantly successful, while the hashtag #DHgoesVIRAL became a trending topic in Greece during and after the event. It is estimated that more than 2.8K users engaged in conversations during and following this event, from all over the world, Europe, the US, China, India and Australia.
You may find the “DH in the Time of Virus” Twitter Conference presentations below:
Pelagios |@PelagiosNetwork (Elton Barker)
Melissa Terras |@melissaterras
Katerina Gardikas |@kgardika
Sara Di Giorgio & Flavia Bruni | @DiGiorgioSara
DARIAH-EU | @dariaheu
Giannis Tsakonas | @gtsakonas
Europeana Research | @EurResearch
#dariahTeach | @dariahTeach
Sofia Papastamkou | @s_papastamkou
Lorna Richardson | @lornarichardson
George Mikros | @gmikros
Athena RIC: a few words from the host | @athenaRICinfo
Quinn Dombrowski | @quinnanya