The DARIAH Annual Event 2018, held on May 22-24 at the beautiful Chalet de la Porte Jaune in Paris, was a lively meeting point for researchers, Working Groups, DARIAH-related projects, and the DARIAH governing bodies to exchange experiences, present progress, explore new ideas, and discuss future challenges. This year’s theme: Open Science. Growing out of the broader Open Access movement, the topic of an even deeper Open Science has emerged in recent years, both from the research community itself, as well as from research institutions, funders, governments and supranational bodies that wish to see science done in a way that has more impact, is more accessible to both academic peers and the public and is available for inter- and multidisciplinary research.
DARIAH-EU decided to set Open Science as the theme of this year’s Annual Event with the aim of engaging the DARIAH-EU community in discussions on how we deal with issues of open science in research infrastructures, and how the humanities can adopt new methodologies for open collaboration.
The programme of this three-day event consisted of:
- DARIAH-EU Plenary sessions
- Two keynote lectures on the theme of Open Science by Dr. Jon Tennant and Prof. Teresa Scassa
- Parallel sessions with workshops on topics of Open Science
- Working Group Marketplace: poster and demo session for working groups and affiliated DARIAH projects
- DARIAH-EU related meetings for the several DARIAH organisational bodies
For more information about the event visit:
For the recap video of the Annual Event 2018 and the keynote lectures visit our DARIAH-EU Youtube channel:
Open Science is just good science by Dr. Jon Tennant
Intellectual Property Rights in Ethically Open Science by Prof. Teresa Scassa
For photographs of the event visit our DARIAH-EU Flickr account:
DARIAH Annual Event 2018 – Flickr
You can download the posters of the DARIAH Marketplace here: Posters