The DARIAH-DE Repository is now available for general use. It provides key aspects of research data management. Scholars in the Arts and Humanities can now store their research data in a permanent, re-usable, and citable way using the DARIAH-DE Repository. Data generated by research projects can be stored and published by individual researchers in an autonomous and self-service fashion.
The DARIAH-DE Repository builds on technology originally developed for and used by the TextGrid Repository, while supporting additional data formats. Furthermore, the ingest and publication process itself is handled by a convenient web application, which is available in English, German, Polish, French, and Dutch, the latter two kindly provided by DARIAH partners CNRS and DANS respectively.
All data stored in the DARIAH-DE Repository is published as open access using permissive licences. The metadata can easily be registered in the DARIAH-DE Collection Registry and indexed for the DARIAH-DE Generic Search (
The operation of the DARIAH-DE Repository is run by the Humanities Data Centre (HDC), a joint venture of Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) and Göttingen State and University Library (SUB). Both institutions thus ensure the sustainability of all data stored in the repository.
For more details visit and see the DHd-Blog at for further announcements and initial use cases.