In terms of communications DARIAH now collaborates with other European Research Infrastructure Consortiums (ERIC) and projects in the SSH.
Dissemination of DARIAH’s results, and thus making them available for researchers, as well as getting potential new users involved, has to complement the building and organising of DARIAH’s core services and activities.
Communicating together
In that light, a collaboration in terms of communications with the current four ERICs in the SSH (CLARIN, DARIAH, ESS, SHARE), as well as the ESFRI Landmark CESSDA, was established in order to create synergies and draw on each others’ strengths. In addition, PARTHENOS, which supports the work of CLARIN and DARIAH, as well as CLARIAH, a national counterpart to CLARIN and DARIAH in the Netherlands, which is directly and deeply embedded in the Europe-wide ESFRI enterprise, were brought on board as an important part of this initiative.
How it works
In the framework of this initiative communications staff from each partner started meeting regularly, working together on a draft plan for joint communication activities, and already set up an internal communications scheme.
First visible outcomes
A research infrastructures news page on the DARIAH-EU website, which displays and links to news items of partners from the initiative. Additionally latest posts can be prominently viewed on the homepage. These news items are selected on a regular basis by the communications staff of the organisations taking part in the collaboration.
A shared ERIC Twitter list: The list is made up of the seven organisations which are a part of the communications collaboration.
A dedicated webpage to explain the initiative: A webpage has been created to present the communications collaboration in more detail, with information about the organisations and related communications staff.
For more information, please contact DARIAH-EU’s Communications Officer and / or follow the links below.
Further Info:
Shared news page on
Dedicated webpage on
Shared twitter list
Websites of DARIAH’s Communications Partners: