Following the successful establishment and implementation of the ERIC Forum Project, further efforts are needed to consolidate the integration of the ERICs (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) in the European Research Area. Therefore, the European Commission granted 3 million euros to expand coordination and cooperation among the ERICs. The project officially started on September 2023 and will run until August 2027. The kick-off meeting took place remotely on 15 September 2023 with the presence of Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit at the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission.
The project focuses on four crucial areas for the implementation and consolidation of the ERICs:
(a) The first thematic pillar is dedicated to the development of an online monitoring and reporting platform that will enable easy uploading and updating of the relevant data, information, and knowledge on the ERICs. The platform will be designed to offer relevant data to stakeholders and the general public. DARIAH leads this thematic pillar and will be involved throughout the whole process (data identification and collection, design and development of the platform, data stewardship).
(b) The second pillar looks towards the reinforcement of the European research infrastructure policy and international cooperation. The aim is to increase participation of ERICs in Horizon Europe funded projects. Another key aspect of this pillar is the strategic alignment of the ERICs with European policy priorities, with a special focus on internationalisation and transition towards the green and digital economy.
(c) The third pillar aims to deliver a strategy for an ERIC Forum back-office that will respond to the collective needs of the ERICs. To do so, the project will explore possibilities for the foundation of shared common resources and services for all ERICs. Also, ERICs need to overcome challenges related to the implementation of the ERIC regulation.
(d) Finally, the fourth pillar ensures the project coordination and communication, as well as improving engagement with external stakeholders.
The ERIC Forum 2 Project represents a great opportunity for DARIAH not only for strengthening links with other institutions, but also for finding concrete answers to challenges and bottlenecks that ERICs face, and reach full potential to become a leading science policy voice among the arts and humanities communities.