The SSH Open Marketplace is a central hub for academics and researchers to find detailed information about software tools, relevant publications, datasets and workflows supporting research across the many facets within the social sciences and humanities.
SSHOC D7.3 Marketplace – Interoperability captures the priorities for making the best possible resources available to academics and researchers in the field of the Social Sciences and Humanities, including those already available and those featured via the EOSC Portal Marketplace.
Inclusion Priorities
Selecting and ingesting the best resources available for inclusion in the Marketplace are based on six guiding principles.
- Quality of the metadata:
Priority has been given to high coverage of metadata fields as a defining feature of the marketplace data model, with primary sources being an excellent example. - Uniqueness of the data:
Essentially, uniqueness of data boils down to avoiding unnecessary duplications, such as ingesting identical or almost identical entries multiple times. - Technical interface:
A reliable interface is all about having a well-documented Application Programming Interface, or API for short, which makes it easier to import a source into the Marketplace. - Usefulness:
Bringing value to the SSH community is all about offering new and interesting research possibilities, including interconnecting widely used resources. - Representativity:
Sources in the marketplace should span all facets of the SSH domain with a focus also on sources coming directly from SSHOC with their baked-in representativity. - Contextualisation of entries:
Linking items together and showing user relations between them, such as a publication, software tools and datasets used in SSH research, is an obvious value-add for the Marketplace.
Resources in the SSH Open Marketplace Beta Version
- Language Resource Switchboard: Developed by CLARIN with further work in SSHOC, the Switchboard is a collection of well-working and useful linguistic services and tools added to the SSH Open Marketplace as separate items. All tools and services integrated in the Switchboard can be queried via an API which was used to map this source into the Marketplace.
- DH Conference Papers via DBLP: Acting as a broker of the full, peer-reviewed papers text-mined from the annual conferences of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) since 2010 through an Extraction Module as the interconnector.
- Humanities Data: Metadata of 303 datasets and 16 recipes for the digital humanities were gathered for the first ingest to the SSH Open Marketplace, aligned with its existing training materials or workflows.
- The Programming Historian: The SSH Open Marketplace has ingested the 86 lessons in English from this open-access journal with peer-reviewed tutorials in the digital humanities and digital history methodology, with plans to ingest recipes in other languages.
- The Standardization Survival Kit: Use case scenarios primarily for the humanities have been imported to the SSH Open Marketplace as workflows with referenced material coming from a Zotero library as publications, training materials, tools or services. The list of SSK standards is also used as a vocabulary in the Marketplace.
- TAPOR (Text Analysis Portal for Research): Over 1300 tools from this longest-standing discovery platform for tools in the digital humanities are available in the Marketplace.
Resources featured via the EOSC Portal Marketplace
The EOSC Portal Marketplace is an overarching catalogue of services available through the European Open Science Cloud with functionalities designed to enable EOSC resource and service providers to edit the metadata of their entries. To make the most of this pioneering marketplace, SSHOC has implemented a unidirectional and continuous import from the SSH entries therein into the SSH Open Marketplace. Examples include:
- CESSDA Data Catalogue: A one-stop-shop for search and discovery, enabling effective access to European metadata for the social sciences research.
- EGI Marketplace: Collection of services with an import chain to automatically include relevant entries for SSH in the Open Marketplace in the future.
- LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Services: Many services, including Machine Translation and the NLP pipeline used in SSHOC appear in the Marketplace via automated synchronization.
- Virtual Language Observatory: As the metadata hub of CLARIN, the Observatory provides a unified search for all CLARIN repositories, which has been fed into the SSH Open Marketplace as a single entry imported from the EOSC Portal Marketplace.
With a wealth of new sources planned for ingestion, the story of the SSH Open Marketplace is moving on to its next exciting chapter. The rich new features include CESSDA Training Resources; CLARIN Resource Families; DARIAH-Campus; DARIAH Contribution Tool; SSHOC Service Catalogue; SSHOC Training Materials; SSH Conversion Hub; SSH Training Discovery Toolkit.
This post is republished from the SSHOC website.