The Digital Practices for the Study of Urban Heritage (UDigiSH) Working Group was recently awarded among the best practices internationally on public space creation through play and ICT by an external expert jury which operated in the context of Creative Europe-funded research.
This research, which was developed by CyI’s Virtual Environments Lab and led by Assist. Professor G. Artopoulos, co-chair of the UDigiSH WG, on the use of interactive spatial data visualisation for stakeholder engagement in public space co-creation and co-management of historic sites was selected as one of the two best projects in the Open Call of Public Play Space Initiatives.
The State of the Art Catalogue collects and analyses 30 best-practice case studies, offering an international panorama of the emerging methodologies and strategies for the public space co-design through digital technologies. The best practices featured in the Catalogue were first selected from the results of an International Open Call launched in December 2019, and later evaluated for the announcement of the two winning methodologies.
Read more on this at the UDigiSH WG blog.