In November 2020, the Scientific Board saw three of its members withdrawing, Riccardo Pozzo (Professor of Philosophy at the University of Verona), Jane Ohlmeyer (Erasmus Smith’s Professor of Modern History at Trinity College Dublin and chair of the Irish Research Council) and Jan Rybicki (Assistant Professor at the Institute of Modern Languages at the Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland). We would like to express our gratitude for their service as members of the DARIAH Scientific Board and wish them all the best for the future. Their official stepping down took place during the central week of the DARIAH Virtual Annual Event 2020 that was organised on November 10-13.
On this occasion, DARIAH welcomes Patrik Svensson as the new chair of the Scientific Board. Patrik Svensson has already been a member of the DARIAH Scientific Board and is now elected chair of the Board, following the stepping down of Riccardo Pozzo.
Patrik Svensson is Professor of Humanities and Information Technology at Umeå University and Visiting Professor of Digital Humanities at UCLA (2016-2020). Svensson is the former Director of HUMlab (2000-2014). He spent the academic year of 2015-2016 as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow/Visiting Professor at the Graduate Center, City University New York.
Two major themes in Svensson’s work are Digital Humanities and Conditions for Knowledge Production. The first theme includes research and practice in relation to the intersection of the humanities and information technology with a particular focus on the history, role and place of the digital humanities. The second theme addresses research infrastructure, spaces for learning and knowledge production, intellectual middleware, presentation software and academic events.
*Photo credit: Patrik Svensson, HUMlab/Umeå University