The third and final DARIAH Beyond Europe workshop, organised in the context of the DESIR project, will be hosted alongside the second annual Humanities, Arts and Culture Data Summit by the Australian Academy of the Humanities in Canberra, Australia on 27-29 March 2019 at the National Library of Australia.
This Australia-Europe knowledge exchange, convened by the Australian Academy of the Humanities with the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) and DARIAH EU, will explore new horizons for data-driven humanities and arts research, digital cultural collections and research infrastructure.
This 3-day conference will highlight ongoing work in the European Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) and how these projects and initiatives could potentially intersect with DH initiatives in the Australian academic community.
This is the last DARIAH Beyond Europe dissemination workshop: the first workshop took place at Stanford University in September 2018 and the second workshop in October 2018 at the Library of Congress, Washington DC. The aim of this initiative is to promote DARIAH tools and services, to initiate collaborations, and above all to exchange knowledge and experience in digital scholarship on an international level.
Details of the program, speakers and registration details will be released soon.