We are happy to announce details of this year’s Annual Event which will be held in Warsaw on May 15-17 2019. The DARIAH Annual Event 2019 thematizes a catalogue of research questions that arise when we speak of Humanities Data. At the very heart of this topic linger questions around the type and amount of data that humanists collect: what kind of data do we have; where is it; and who owns it? Is our data indeed complex, and if so, what makes it complex? How do definitions and conceptualisations of the term ‘data’ resonate with or, perhaps more accurately, alienate us from our conceptions of our source landscape as art and humanities scholars? And, of course, how will the major European policy initiative to build an Open Science Cloud for research data impact our practices and opportunities?
Getting an overview of the nature of Humanities Data might be one way of designing new infrastructures to process them. We can ask for the current existing archetypical big data collections and establish alliances with data science to scale up workflows. Above all, the key challenge is to keep a reflexive open discourse about the function of data for specific research questions, and the development of a culture to address the whole spectrum of ‘data needs’ of humanities scholars across all fields, all forms of collaboration and all societal relevant questions. These issues and questions will be at the heart of our discussions at the DARIAH Annual Event 2019.
The DARIAH Annual Event offers the DARIAH community and everybody who wants to engage with DARIAH the possibility to present results and new ideas, to meet and network. The Annual Event is open beyond the DARIAH community, featuring a series of engaging keynote lectures and interactive sessions, which bring together researchers, technologists, data scientists and cultural heritage professionals.
Call for papers
This year’s event introduces a new format. The upcoming DARIAH Annual Event 2019 combines forms of encounter developed in prior meetings, such as Working Groups meetings, workshops organised by Working Groups and projects, and a Marketplace to exchange ideas around new research projects and infrastructural solutions with an open conference setting. This call for participation is subdivided into two streams:
- Meetings
- Papers/posters
For all contributions, a title and extended abstract (max. 1000 words) are to be submitted via the Submission page of the event’s website. The extended abstracts will be published as a book of abstracts. Paper submissions may be accompanied by a poster. Organisers of meetings and Working Groups are encouraged to also bring posters, all to be presented in the DARIAH Marketplace Poster session. The deadline for all submissions is 15 March and notification of acceptance can be expected by 12 April.
For more information on the event and the two streams of participation visit the event’s website here.