The programme for DARIAH’s Annual Event 2018 is online now. The event will take place in Paris on May 23rd and 24th, 2018. The Annual Event is open beyond the DARIAH community. It features a series of engaging keynote lectures and interactive sessions, which bring together researchers, technologists, data scientists and cultural heritage professionals. Additionally it enables colleagues to work together face-to-face on their DARIAH activities, e.g. in Working Group meetings.
This year: focus on Open Science
The theme for this year’s event is Open Science. We would like to discuss with the DARIAH community how we deal with issues of Open Science in the research infrastructure we build, and how the humanities can promote new methodologies for open collaboration. There will be two keynotes and several workshops on the topic.
The first keynote will be held by Dr. Jon Tennant from the Open Science MOOC project, it is entitled “Open Science is just good science”
I don’t know what ‘open science’ is. When we talk about it, we use terms like transparency, reproducibility, and public good. But aren’t these just traits of good science? The problem is that we aren’t rewarded for doing good science, and academia has become a bit Game of Thrones-y. How can we all work together to kick-start a new culture of ‘open’ scientific practices, without putting our best and brightest at risk? How do we want people in the future to see this pivotal time in the history of science? Which side do you want to be on.
The second keynote will be held by Prof. Teresa Scassa, the Canada Research Chair in Information Law and Policy at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law. Her keynote “Intellectual Property Rights in Ethically Open Science” and will examine the complex role of intellectual property rights in the creation and advancement of academic knowledge.
Building upon the success of the open source movement in creating a collaborative space for the creation and sharing of software, the open access movement took on copyright as a barrier to access to works of creativity and the intellect. The movement has had a significant impact on how academic work is shared; many national granting agencies now embrace the concept of open access, requiring funded researchers to publish their results in open access formats.
Drawing on the values that inform the open access movement, open science is now gaining ground as a new approach to sharing research outputs. Open science speaks to the sharing of the research data, lab notes and other research processes that inform the scientific work. Its objectives include broad dissemination and access, but go beyond this as well, addressing issues of transparency and accountability. Yet even as many researchers – and granting agencies — embrace the underlying values, questions remain about the risks and challenges of open science.
This presentation examines the complex role of intellectual property(IP) rights in the creation and advancement of academic knowledge. While IP rights can create barriers to access, reuse and transparency, they can also further creativity and innovation by providing revenue, and by protecting other values such as privacy/confidentiality, and integrity/authenticity. IP rights can also, in some circumstances, protect against the exploitation of individuals and communities. Framing IP rights in terms of a sometimes complex web of relationships, this presentation asks what role IP rights should play in ethically open science.
Additionally a series of workshops will highlight various aspects of the DARIAH infrastructure:
- Workshop 1: Promoting Open Scholarship in DH: Reasons and Tools for Open Licensing
- Workshop 2: DH Course Registry Metadatathon
- Workshop 3: Open Peer Review hands on: alternative methods of evaluation in scholarly publishing
- Workshop 4: DH in Ten Years From Now. PARTHENOS ‘Foresight Study Workshop’
More information on the programme will be available soon. Registration for the event will be open within the next weeks.
- The full programme with more details on keynotes, speakers and workshops can be found here:
- Detailed information is available on the event’s web page:
- A general overview on the event, featuring recaps of the last two Annual Events in Berlin (2017) and Ghent (2016) is available on our website: