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July 2024
Europeana PRO webinar ‘Polifonia: a digital harmoniser for musical heritage knowledge’
Polifonia, a project funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme, recently released results of nearly four years of research and development at the intersection of musicology, semantic web technologies, AI and Music Information Retrieval. This webinar will highlight some of these components that promote research and innovation in musicology, digital humanities, heritage preservation and education. More specifically the Polifonia Web Portal, plus the ORGANS, BELLS and MEETUPS pilots will be covered. Polifonia has been an amazing journey and a rich and ambitious project.…
Find out more »European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture and Technology” (ESU) 2024
The European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture and Technology” (ESU) is one of the most prestigious Digital Humanities events in Europe. Since 2009, it brings together a strong and vibrant international community of DH scholars and computer technology specialists. In 2023, the ESU found a new home at the Transylvania Digital Humanities Centre of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, where the 14th edition will take place between 15-26.07.2024. The ESU is directed at an international audience and offers a range…
Find out more »August 2024
DH 2024: Reinvention and Responsibility
DH 2024 is the annual conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is excited to welcome you online and in person at our Arlington, VA campus, in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., from August 6-9, 2024 for DH 2024: Reinvention & Responsibility. …
Find out more »Creating, Managing and Archiving Textual Corpora in Under-resourced Languages
This workshop is organised by the Research Data Management and the Multilingual DH DARIAH Working Groups. If you are interested to participate remotely, please send an email to No on-site participation is possible. Programme Day 1 (corpus building) - 28.08.2024, afternoon Francesco Gelati and colleague (Universität Hamburg): Welcome Greetings Alíz Horváth (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest): Opening Speech. What is Corpus/Data/Workflow in a multilingual context? Why a workflow for non-English sources? Rationale behind the workshop Metadata, lexicography Péter Király (GWDG,…
Find out more »September 2024
On Tuesday 3 September 2024, UK DARIAH Day will bring together researchers and practitioners with an interest in Digital Humanities to consider opportunities and challenges around research infrastructures in the UK, showcase current tools and projects, and build national and regional networks. It will also explore how closer alignment with the European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) can strengthen ongoing UK efforts. The opening provocation will be given by Sally Chambers, Head of Research Infrastructures Services at The…
Find out more »Digital Humanities Congress 2024
The University of Sheffield’s Digital Humanities Institute is delighted to announce that its three-day conference will be held in Sheffield during 8th-10th September. This will be a physical conference. The Digital Humanities Congress is a conference held in Sheffield every two years. Its purpose is to promote the sharing of knowledge, ideas and techniques within the digital humanities. Digital humanities is understood by Sheffield to mean the use of technology within arts, heritage and humanities research as both a method of inquiry and a…
Find out more »International Workshop: Digital Integrated Strategies to Safeguard Heritage Construction Technologies
The international workshop DIGITAL INTEGRATED STRATEGIES TO SAFEGUARD HERITAGE CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES is funded by the "DARIAH Funding Scheme for Working Group Activities 2023-2025" programme, which supports the Working Groups of DARIAH ERIC, specifically the new ARCHETIPO Working Group, encouraging the development of innovative projects, new services, tools, and training activities. The workshop, organized by the Institute of Heritage Science of the CNR, in collaboration with the Cyprus Institute and the University of Catania, with the support of the Municipality of…
Find out more »October 2024
The Nineteenth Annual Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS 2024)
Although the deep learning-based AI revolution in human language processing began at least a decade ago, the emergence of generative AI through ChatGPT has far exceeded even experts’ expectations. Will AI make textual scholarship and our editing practices smarter? Will we be able to produce intelligent editions, in print or online, without the “help” of computers in the third decade of the 21st century? In this context, it is worth considering the opportunities and threats of the computer as a…
Find out more »Text Encoding Initiative Conference 2024
Texts, Languages, and Communities - TEI 2024 is the twenty-fourth conference of the Text Encoding Initiative, and the first to take place in a Spanish-speaking country. The TEI is one of the initiatives that has managed to endure over time and build an active community of users and practitioners inside and outside the Digital Humanities field. While for many years it gathered a predominantly English-speaking community, numerous projects —especially those related to digital editing— emerged during the very early days…
Find out more »4th DARIAH-HR International Conference Digital Humanities & Heritage: Legacy and Innovation
Conference organisers: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb; University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Literary Circle Split; University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences; ICARUS Croatia. The DARIAH-HR conference “Digital Humanities and Heritage” endeavours to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among scholars, humanities experts, and professionals specialising in library and information science, archival studies, and museum cultural resource management. By highlighting the interdependent relationship between digital humanities and…
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