Olivier Grau
About oliver.grau@donau-uni.ac.atOver the last fifty years, Digital Media Art has evolved into a vivid contemporary factor and it often thematizes huge challenges for our societies. The intricate topics of media art can be analyzed sufficiently with image science that provide an interdisciplinary approach and a critical historical perspective.
Because of missing preservation, documentation strategies and insufficient institutional support of media art in the past, an appropriate scientific structure for documentation and further preservation of the main digital artistic production must be established. This is especially necessary due to the fact that media art depends entirely on digital storage methods that quickly become obsolete. The urgent need for a sustainable information infrastructure and for the internationalization of media art research is expressed in the Liverpool declaration from 2011. This international declaration has been signed by more than 450 scholars from 40+ countries so far (www.mediaarthistory.org/declaration).
a) In the DARIAH working group, innovative interactive and collaborative web-based archive structures for media art will be developed with special regard to the expanded, but often neglected concept of documentation that media art requires.
b) Special web-based analytical and thesaurus tools will be created based on an Image Science approach.
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Susan Schreibman, Full Professor of Digital Arts and Culture at Maastricht University,
August 6th marked the tenth anniversary of the Digital Research Infrastructure for
To keep up to date with all the exciting plans and projects ahead for @DARIAHeu throughout 2024, subscribe to our monthly newsletter
— DARIAH-EU (@DARIAHeu) January 4, 2024
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