Full project name : Preparing open access in the european research area through scholarly communication
Duration : from 01-07-2019 to 30-06-2021
EU Contribution : EUR 2 010 539,13
Summary : OPERAS-P (Preparation) project will support the development of OPERAS, the European Research infrastructure for open access publications in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). The project will further the development of the infrastructure in view of achieving the necessary scientific, technical and community maturity. To achieve this goal, OPERAS-P will address the necessary requirements according the Work Programme with three objectives: supporting the ESFRI application, start the implementation of innovative services, and support the expansion of the consortium.
First objective will include the conceptual framework for a Governance plan, including a vision statement and two Landscape Studies: one per country, one for end-users. This work will include a business model addressing the longterm sustainability of the infrastructure. In parallel, this work will be supported by the implementation of the AISBL statutes in the infrastructure.
The implementation of innovative services will address the development of a transnational access to publication services, based on the adoption of common standards, the interoperability between publishing services and bridging towards the EOSC marketplace. This work will rely on the problematics identified in the White Paper OPERAS-P will support the development of the consortium with an outreach strategy based on the Landscape Study. This body of work will stand in the continuity of the work already realized in former project OPERAS-D, in particular the Design Study.
DARIAH participates in OPERAS-P together with its linked third party SIB (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics).
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— DARIAH-EU (@DARIAHeu) January 4, 2024
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