Inspired by the proclamation “cultural heritage data is humanities research data”, this year’s DARIAH Annual Event will seek to explore what this means in practice. What does it mean for cultural heritage institutions to provide access to their ‘collections as data’? Do we need to think of different workflows for digitised and born-digital datasets? Can we think of a humanities research data continuum? These are only some of the questions we aim to explore at the 2023 DARIAH Annual Event.
We are pleased to invite you to register to the DARIAH Annual Event 2023, through ConfTool. Please note that this year’s annual event is planned as an in-person event. While some aspects of the event will be live-streamed, you are expected to participate and present to this conference in-person.
There are no conference fees for participants. However, there is an optional social dinner planned at 35euros and is self-paid through ConfTool.
You can have a look at the programme of the event here. If you are already registered on ConfTool, you can create your personalised conference agenda there.
More information on the venue and hotel recommendations can be found at
The DARIAH Annual Events is the annual gathering point of the DARIAH community to meet, discuss and present research on the year’s set topic. Have a look at past DARIAH Annual Events here.