As of November 1st, DARIAH has welcomed a new member in the DARIAH Coordination Office, Matej Ďurčo, in the newly introduced role of Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
“We’re delighted to welcome Matej to the team in the capacity of CTO and look forward to working with him on strengthening the DARIAH infrastructure across Europe,” said Dr. Toma Tasovac, President of the DARIAH Board for Directors. “DARIAH remains committed to supporting the digital transformation in the Arts and Humanities, and providing solutions for the sustainable integration of tools and services into the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) – and beyond.”
Ďurčo has been involved in DARIAH as a member of the Joint Research Committee (JRC) and VCC1 Head for many years. He has also been an active member in DARIAH Working Groups and a partner in various DH projects of the DARIAH ecosystem.
“I’ve been with DARIAH in various roles for many years now” said Ďurčo. “It is dear to my heart and I am glad I’ll be able, also in my new role, to contribute to the consolidation and further expansion of its infrastructure in the intricate landscape of the European Research Area. I will focus, among other things, on making sure that the technical and organisational developments on the European level fully recognise the particular needs and requirements of the researchers in the arts and humanities disciplines.”
Ďurčo is one of the founding figures of the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, a stronghold of digital humanities development in Austria and beyond. His institution has been acting as the National Coordinating Institution of the research infrastructure’s related activities in Austria for many years.
He is also leading the technical group “Digital Humanities Research Infrastructure” at the ACDH-CH, offering comprehensive methodological and technical support for DH projects.
The Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) aims to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities. DARIAH is a network of people, expertise, information, knowledge, content, methods, tools and technologies from its member countries. It develops, maintains and operates an infrastructure in support of ICT-based research practices and sustains researchers in using them to build, analyse and interpret digital resources. By working with communities of practice, DARIAH brings together individual state-of-the-art digital arts and humanities activities and scales their results to a European level. It preserves, provides access to and disseminates research that stems from these collaborations and ensures that best practices, methodological and technical standards are followed.
DARIAH was established as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) in August 2014. Currently, DARIAH has 20 Members, 1 Observer and several Cooperating Partners in seven non-member countries.