Tanja Wissik is a Senior Scientist at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and teaches Digital Methods at the University of Vienna.
Relationship with DARIAH
Since 2015, Tanja has been actively involved in Research Infrastructures at a national level in Austria (CLARIAH-AT). At the DARIAH-EU level, Tanja has been co-head of the Working Group DH Course Registry (DHCR) from 2017 to 2021 and obtained funding as part of the DARIAH Theme Funding Call in 2018-2019 to enhance the DHCR at different levels. She was also part of the #dariahTeach project, an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership to develop open-source, high quality, multilingual teaching materials for the digital arts and humanities.
Tanja succeeds Marianne Ping Huang (DARIAH-DK) who has been a valuable partner co-chairing VCC 2 on “Research and Education” for the past years. Together with Agiatis Benardou, Tanja is responsible for the activities of VCC 2 and its related working groups. As a VCC Head, she will also represent her VCC in DARIAH’s Joint Research Committee. VCC 2 on “Research and Education” promotes and supports the use of research data and ICT methods and technologies, including the DARIAH infrastructure.
About Tanja Wissik
Tanja graduated from the University of Graz in translation and interpretation studies. She holds a PhD from the University of Vienna in translation studies with a specialization in the field of terminology and corpus linguistics. She has been working in numerous national and international research projects first as a junior researcher at Eurac Research Bolzano, as a researcher and lecturer at the University of Vienna and currently at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Her research interests include digital language resources and technologies, especially terminological resources and corpora and the encoding of parliamentary data. Further research interests are terminological research, variational linguistics, workflow research and the teaching of DH technologies and methods.
Tanja is also one of the editors of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative.