The TRIPLE project plans to develop a crowdfunding platform specifically to support research in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). For this, the project developed and recently launched the TRIPLE Crowdfunding Survey, aimed at the general public, to explore the public perception of crowdfunding practices. Anybody above 18 years of age is invited to complete it.
“We are interested in people’s attitudes towards the funding of science in general and about crowdfunding in particular” said Dr. Stefano De Paoli (Abertay University), leading this work. “Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising money from a large number of people who each contribute a relatively small amount, typically via the internet.”
“Well-known crowdfunding platforms include kickstarter, Indiegogo or gofundme. By taking part in this survey, you help us take decisions as to how this tool will be shaped.”
The questionnaire contains 15 questions, and it should approximately 10 minutes to complete. It is available in eight languages:
- 🇬🇧 English:
- 🇫🇷 French:
- 🇩🇪 German:
- 🇬🇷 Greek:
- 🇮🇹 Italian:
- 🇵🇱 Polish:
- 🇵🇹 Portuguese:
- 🇪🇸 Spanish:
If you have any questions regarding the methodology of the survey, please contact Dr. Stefano De Paoli, Abertay University.