Over the course of the project (2019-2023), TRIPLE will host three ThatCamp events, bringing together people who have an interest in Open Science in the social sciences and humanities (SSH): researchers, universities and other research institutions, publishers, libraries and Open Access repositories, but also non-academic groups such as IT experts, public authorities and policy makers, media, SMEs, NGOs and citizens.
ThatCamp stands for “The Humanities And Technology Camp”. It is a so-called unconference based on the BarCamp concept: an open, agile and spontaneous meeting where participants learn and work together by engaging in group discussions, co-working sessions or other forms of collaborative work. People engage with each other to “create, build, write, hack, and solve problems”.
Each TRIPLE ThatCamp will address a specific overarching theme which relates, for instance, to Digital Humanities, discovery technologies, scientific communication, societal impact of research in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) or internationalisation of research.
TRIPLE ThatCamp #1: “Discovering Discovery”
Envision your ideal ecosystem for exploring research resources
Tuesday, 11 May 2021, 9:30am to 5pm CEST
What is it about?
ThatCamp #1, organised by the TRIPLE project, is meant to provide a forum to share concepts, strategies and resources for discovering research and getting research discovered. The event is an opportunity to learn from each other, brainstorm together, identify roadblocks, raise concerns and dream up solutions on a peer-to-peer level. Join us to explore and discuss the depths of “discovery”!
The TRIPLE project’s main goal is to develop GOTRIPLE, an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution for the social sciences and humanities (SSH). GOTRIPLE will provide a single access point for a variety of users (researchers, institutions such as universities and libraries, enterprises, consultancies and media representatives):
- to discover and reuse open scholarly SSH resources, i.e. research data and publications, across disciplinary and language boundaries
- to find and connect with other researchers and projects
- to make use of innovative tools to support research (e.g. visualisation, annotation, trust building system, social network and recommender system)
- to discover new ways of funding research (e.g. crowdfunding platform)

Therefore, we would like to find out more about future users’ perspectives on their research discovery journey:
- How would you define “discovery” in the research cycle?
- What is your epistemological stance on “discovery” in a research context?
- What are your current strategies for discovering research resources?
- How do you make sure your own research gets discovered?
- What are you struggling with technologically?
The event is free of charge and will be hosted using Zoom for video conferencing and Miro, a virtual collaborative whiteboard tool. Session formats will be defined by the participants’ suggestions.
Whether you are currently working on a project, article or talk, and would like others to join in writing a paper collaboratively, or have a story to share on which you’d like feedback, or would like to put a problem up for discussion and look for solutions together, you are invited to submit a suggestion. At the beginning of the event, those willing to lead a session will be invited to pitch their idea (30-60 seconds, depending on the number of suggestions), and participants will then vote on the topics that will actually find their way onto the agenda.
Who is the target audience?
We invite all those interested in the field of Open Science. The focus of the event will be on a social sciences and humanities (SSH) perspective, but people with a background in other fields are also welcome to join to make it a truly interdisciplinary event.
In particular, we target researchers, librarians and Open Science experts in research institutions, representatives of Open Access repositories and publishers who have an interest in discovery platforms.
Deadline for registrations: May 10, 2021
Read more on the event at the project’s website.