Online Event | December 11, 2020 | 9:00–15:00 CET
The Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG) was launched by a kick-off symposium in 2016. The first HELDIG Digital Humanities Summit in 2017 provided a snapshot of activities within the centre, in 2018 the conference theme was Infrastructures for Digital Humanities, and in 2019 From Text to Knowledge.
HELDIG’s initial four year phase 2016–2020 funded by the Academy of Finland and University of Helsinki as a profiling action is ending. The goal of HELDIG Summit 2020 is to shed light on where Digital Humanities (DH) and HELDIG in particular stand today, and to point out directions for next steps ahead for research, education, societal impact, and infrastructure building.
Programme of the day:
After opening the Summit, an overview of HELDIG 2016–2020 and its future prospects are presented. After this, HELDIG professors present their works and visions for the future. The afternoon sessions present similar views from professors at the Department of Digital Humanities of the University of Helsinki, work in DH education and infrastructures, and introduce new HELDIG-related centres established. In conclusion, Professor Marcia Zeng from the Kent State University, USA, will give a keynote on Semantic Enrichment for Enhancing Historical and Cultural Heritage Data to Support Digital Humanities Research.
The webinar is open and free for everyone to join. Register here to get your Zoom link for the webinar.