This week’s #TrainingTuesday highlights a resource on “How to work together successfully with e-Humanities and e-Heritage Research Infrastructures”, by Dr. Marie Puren (Inria, Paris, France) and Klaus Illmayer (ACDH-OEAW, Austria) produced as part of the PARTHENOS project.
This webinar is dedicated to the phase of the research life cycle “Plan Research Project”. It first introduces the participants to an understanding of the advantages and practicalities of research collaboration in and with Research infrastructures. It then dives into details of project planning, touches upon the basics of the FAIR principles, and will focus especially on the importance of using standards in Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage research and how to identify relevant standards for the participants’ own research. This webinar will give an introduction to the Standards Survival Kit that is developed within PARTHENOS. It will also cross-link to other materials developed within PARTHENOS and by the PARTHENOS Cluster Partners.
Follow #TrainingTuesday, our weekly campaign aiming to bring learning resources and training videos to researchers and course-providers within the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.