This week’s #TrainingTuesday highlights a resource on Digital Humanities Research Questions and Methods, produced as part of the PARTHENOS Training Suite and now captured on DARIAH-Campus. The concept of this module and the introduction were developed by Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana and Jožef Stefan Institute) and Jakob Lenardič (University of Ljubljana) in close cooperation with the PARTHENOS Training team. It was edited by Marie Annisius (University of Leipzig), Vicky Garnett (Trinity College Dublin/DARIAH) and Ulrike Wuttke (Fachhochschule Potsdam).
This module is dedicated to developing research questions in the Digital Humanities (DH), especially on finding, working with, and contributing data to digital collections and using digital Research Infrastructures (RIs). It will show examples of how DH and eHeritage approaches in cooperation with relevant RIs can lead to innovative research questions and methods.
The target audiences of this module are Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (CH) researchers and practitioners who wish to learn how to best benefit from and work with digital collections using digital RIs. The module is also suitable for computer scientists and researchers/practitioners in data centres who want to gain insight into more humanities & cultural heritage related aspects of digital research infrastructures.
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