DARIAH recently published on DARIAH Open its input on the Open Consultation for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This consultation was launched on July 20 by the EOSC Executive Board aiming to shape the strategic objectives, action areas, implementation priorities and partnerships for the 2024-2028 phase of the EOSC development.
As a thematic enabler of the EOSC who connects the Arts and Humanities communities with the European Open Science landscape, DARIAH agrees that having a common vision about the future of the EOSC, that is equally shared across the research communities and infrastructure providers across Europe, is an absolute priority.
We strongly endorse the vision and rich inventory of priority areas as defined in the consultation document. Below we put forward the key points of our response to the consultation – points that we recognize as critical factors in the success of the ESOC. Our input is a result of consultation within the DARIAH Coordination Office and Board of Directors.
Read DARIAH’s input here.