Join us on 17 June for a Twitter takeover! You’ll learn about the alpha release of the SSH Open Marketplace as SSHOC takes over the Twitter account of DARIAH-EU, leading the development of the Marketplace in the project.
By following the takeover, you can:
- Discover what is the SSH Open Marketplace and what kind of resources you will be able to find in it
- Understand how the Marketplace will integrate with existing EOSC services
- Find out how, when and where you’ll be able to access the Marketplace for yourself
- Learn about the next steps in developing the Marketplace further and how you can contribute to community-driven curation
- Interact directly with the experts developing the Marketplace and ask how the Marketplace can have an impact on your research
Get your questions ready!
On the day (between 10:00-14:00 CET), you will be able to ask expert Frank Fischer questions on the development of the Marketplace, its key features and how it’s been specifically designed to foster open science in the SSH domain. Frank is Director of DARIAH-EU and Associate Professor for Digital Humanities at the School of Linguistics at Higher School of Economics, Moscow (HSE). With a degree in Computer Science and a PhD in Literary Studies, Frank’s research revolves around digital approaches to research questions in the humanities, including distant reading and network theory.
Work package 7 in SSHOC, which deals with the development of the SSH Open Marketplace, is led by Frank and Laure Barbot, project officer in DARIAH’s Berlin offices. The Marketplace responds to a long-standing demand in the humanities and social sciences for an inclusive, curated, easily accessible overview of digital tools and services, training material, data and scientific papers. The USP of the Marketplace is that it connects and contextualizes all these materials. It is an important contribution to the emerging European Open Science Cloud and aims to better situate the SSH within it.
On the day, use the hashtag #SSHOCifyDARIAH to follow the conversation and ask your questions on the SSH Open Marketplace and the SSHOC project.
See you there!