Over the course of 2018-2019, DARIAH has been developing an ambitious strategic plan to guide its growth and development over the next 7 years. To ensure successful implementation of this high-level plan, DARIAH developed a second edition of the very useful 2017 Strategic Action Plan (or STRAPL) which translates high-level goals and principles into tangible objectives and actions in order to shape DARIAH’s future strategy.
Actions and objectives in this STRAPL II document aim to guide the activities of the DARIAH bodies and officers to provide clear value for the DARIAH network and to “enhance and support digitally-enabled research across the humanities and arts”. As with all strategic planning documents produced by DARIAH, this document is the result of a thorough process of consultation and structured thinking that includes every level of DARIAH participation.
STRAPL II contains sixteen actions spread in seven areas of activities. The first four areas in this plan map directly to the pillars of the strategic plan: marketplace, training and education, working groups and transnational organisation, and foresight-driven policy work. The fifth area includes actions that cut across all of these areas, and that will ensure we embed our strategy-led activities as effectively as possible into our community. The final two areas are intended to ensure that we align the management of knowledge and resources to our strategic aims, and that we have a robust and realistic approach to measuring our success against them.
STRAPL II will guide the delivery of key integrating actions over a two-year period, from January 2019 to December 2020, with the understanding that some actions may take us into 2021 before they can be considered fully embedded or achieved. In sum, these sixteen actions across seven areas will assist DARIAH to ensure it makes gradual and steady progress toward the realisation of its overall strategy in the next two to three years.
Read the STRAPL II here: https://www.dariah.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/DARIAH-Strategic-Action-Plan-II-2019-2022.pdf