This #TrainingTuesday we feature a newly published free online training module entitled ‘Controlled Vocabularies and SKOS’, available on DARIAH-Campus.
The module, which was developed by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) of the OEAW within the Project “Training Digital Scholars: Knowledge Exchange between V4 and Austria” funded by the Visegrad Fund, offers theoretical background and practical applications of controlled vocabularies and SKOS, and how it can help researchers to organise, query, retrieve, and link resources. The module guides users through these issues, with exercises and quizzes to help learners check their knowledge along the way.
The module from ACDH-CH is the first new addition to DARIAH-Campus in 2020. DARIAH-Campus was developed as part of the DESIR project, and was officially launched in November 2019. It was intentionally designed as both a platform for hosting open training materials within the Digital Humanities, as well as a discovery framework for learning resources from the wider DARIAH-EU community, including #dariahTeach and the PARTHENOS Training Suite.
Follow #TrainingTuesday, our weekly campaign aiming to bring learning resources and training videos to researchers and course-providers within the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.