Registration is now open for the third EURISE Workshop. The workshop will focus on “Software Quality through Automation and Testing” and will take place on March 26 at the Spinoza Hall, University of Utrecht.
The workshop will focus on discussing how domain-specific infrastructures can and must bridge the gap between abstract expectations of Technology Readiness and production level service management on one side, and the challenges of every-day software development in the public sector (and research in particular) on the other. The topics to be addressed range from quality measures and criteria to implementation through automation and continuous integration and how their adoption towards ‘business as usual’ can be enabled.
The EURISE Network has been formed by the three Social Sciences and Humanities ERICs CESSDA, CLARIN & DARIAH to create an umbrella where research infrastructures meet research software engineers. As part of this effort, two previous workshops were organised in 2017 and 2019.
For more information and to register, visit