As the scale and complexity of Digital Humanities projects increase and challenges facing researchers and institutions become more pressing, the need for creating and maintaining communities of practice for knowledge transfer, training and exchange of best practices becomes paramount.
This advanced training workshop is organised with support from DARIAH as part of DESIR project on December 9, 2019 and will be hosted by King’s Digital Lab (KDL), established at King’s College London in 2015. It aims to bring together experts working at the intersection of Digital Humanities and Research Software Engineering for a day of discussions around RSE models, training practices and meaningful exchange of ideas.
Confirmed speakers include Jonathan Blaney (Institute of Historical Research, SAS, London), Alexander Czmiel (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Michael Pidd (Digital Humanities Institute, Sheffield), Elizabeth Williamson (Exeter Digital Lab) and Jane Winters (SAS, University of London).
The workshop will further showcase Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities (DARIAH)’s training platforms as a vehicle enabling dissemination of Digital Humanities training at all levels of expertise, for sharing and discussing information and establishing best practices in DH in a range of formats.
Find out more information on the workshop here.