The DARIAH Strategy 2019-2026 builds upon the ERIC’s unique position within the European and international humanities and arts research ecosystem to deliver technical knowledge and services tuned to researcher needs, creating a more fluid overall system of exchange and innovation, working toward the DARIAH vision that the Arts and Humanities be firmly anchored at the centre of a technologically evolving knowledge society.
The strategy stands upon the four pillars of:
- building the Marketplace as a humanist-friendly component of the European Open Science Cloud
- approaching training and education strategically and in a coordinated fashion
- deepening our connection to our communities and ensuring they are with us
- strengthening our voice in policy and advocacy
Delivery upon these areas will be monitored through a series of quantitative and qualitative success measures tied into the areas in which DARIAH’s impact, manifested in improved organisational efficiency, research excellence, network development and innovation, can be evidenced.
This is DARIAH’s first Strategic Plan, which builds upon a 2-year exercise in strategic thinking and action, guided by the 2017 Strategic Action Plan.