We are only a few days away from the Digital Humanities Conference 2019, which will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on July 9-12. As in previous years, this conference aims to gather a very buzzing crowd of (digital) humanists, librarians, archivists, GLAM colleagues and researchers from all over the world in four busy days full of exchanges, presentations and discussions.
The DARIAH community will be participating at the conference with lots of different presentations and roles. To get an overview of these, below you can find a list pointing to some of the DARIAH related presentations and events happening at DH2019 so that you can make an informed schedule while in Utrecht.
Pre-conference Workshops
Libraries as Research Partners in the Digital Humanities
Sally Chambers (lightning talk + DARIAH stand)
Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University, Belgium
When: 09/Jul/2019: 9:00am-6:00pm · Location: KB national library of the Netherlands, The Hague
WS-05: Half day workshops and tutorials
Accelerating DH Education
Elli Bleeker2, Johanna de Groot3, Aodhán Kelly1, Martine Schophuizen1, Sally Wyatt4
1Open University, Netherlands; 2Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Netherlands; 3SURF, Netherlands; 4Maastricht University
Lighting talk by Debora Thorps on ‘Creating synergies, opportunities, and inclusiveness in DARIAH-EU training and education ‘
When: 08/Jul/2019: 9:00am-1:00pm · Location: Black Box
WS-22: Half day workshops and tutorials
E-Lexicography Between Digital Humanities And Artificial Intelligence: Complexities In Data, Technologies, Communities
Tanja Wissik1, John P. McCrae2, Paul Buitelaar2, Toma Tasovac3, Justin Tonra2, Ksenia Zaytseva1
1Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria; 2National University of Ireland Galway; 3Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities (BCDH)
When: 09/Jul/2019: 9:00am-1:00pm · Location: Schele Maagd
WS-08: Full day workshops and tutorials
Copyright and Humanities Research: A Global Perspective
Vanessa Hannesschläger1, Pawel Kamocki2, Walter Scholger3
1ACDH-OeAW – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, Austrian Academy of Sciences; 2ELDA – European Language Resources Distribution Agency; 3ZIM-ACDH – Centre for Information Modelling, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Graz
When: 08/Jul/2019: 9:00am-6:00pm · Location: Pandora Zaal
P-01: Digital Humanities Theory and Methodology
“Building community” at the National and/or International Level in the Context of the Digital Humanities
Adeline Joffres1, Mike Priddy2, Francesca Morselli3,2, Fatiha Idmhand4, Thomas Lebarbé5, Caroline Abéla6, Xavier Granier6, Mehdi Chayani6, Paul Bertrand7, Xavier Rodier8, Christophe Parisse9, Céline Poudat10, Véronique Ginouvès11, Fabrice Melka12, Michael Sinatra13, Emmanuel Château-Dutier13, Jason Camlot14, Stéfan Sinclair15, Gimena Del Rio Riande16, Paula Ricaurte17, Isabel Galina Russel18, José Francisco Barrón Tovar18, Ernesto Priani Saisó18, Martin Grandjean19, Aurélien Berra9, Olivier Baude1, Stephane Pouyllau1
1Huma-Num, France; 2DANS-KNAW; 3DARIAH-EU; 4Université de Poitiers; 5Université de Grenoble; 6Université de Bordeaux; 7Université Catholique de Louvain; 8Université de Tours; 9Université de Paris-Nanterre; 10Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis; 11Université Aix-Marseille, Phonothèque de la MMSH; 12Université de Paris 1 – Institut des Mondes Africains – CNRS; 13Université de Montréal; 14Concordia University; 15Mc Gill University; 16CONICET; 17Tecnológico de Monterrey; 18Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; 19Université de Lausanne
When: 10/Jul/2019: 9:00am-10:30am · Location: Grote Zaal
P-16: Digital Humanities Theory and Methodology
Curating and Archiving Linked Data Datasets from the Humanities – From Data of the Present to Data of the Future
Andrea Scharnhorst1, Marieke Van Erp2, Ronald Siebes3, Christophe Gueret4, Tom Crick5, Vyacheslav Tykhonov1, Gerard Coen1, Richard Smiraglia6, Peter Doorn1, Henk Van den Berg1, Jerry De Vries1, Albert Merono3, Ashkan Ashkpour7, Reinier De Valk8
1Data Archiving and Networked Services, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; 2Digital Humanities Lab, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; 3Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL; 4Accenture, IR; 5Swansea University, UK; 6University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA; 7International Institute for Social History, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; 8JukeDeck, UK
When: 11/Jul/2019: 11:00am-12:30pm · Location: Grote Zaal
P-20: Scholarly Communities, Communication, Pedagogy
Open Data, Open Edition: How Can the Inferences Between Scientific Papers and Evidence Be Managed?
Adeline Joffres1, Xavier Rodier2, Olivier Baude1, Stéphane Pouyllau1, Olivier Marlet2, Pierre-Yves Buard15, Christophe Parisse3, Carole Etienne4, Céline Poudat5, Fatiha Idmhand6, Thomas Lebarbé7, Paul Bertrand8, Nicolas Perreaux10, Eliana Magnani9, Florent Laroche11, Xavier Granier12, Mehdi Chayani12, Pierre Mounier13, Nathalie Fargier14
1Huma-Num, France; 2Université de Tours; 3Université de Paris10-Nanterre; 4Ecole Nationale Supérieure; 5Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis; 6Université de Poitiers; 7Université de Grenoble; 8Université Catholique de Louvain; 9Université de Paris 1 Sorbonne; 10Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main; 11Ecole Centrale de Nantes; 12Université de Bordeaux; 13OpenEdition infrastructure; 14Persée infrastructure; 15Université de Caen
When: 11/Jul/2019: 2:00pm-3:30pm · Location: Grote Zaal
Long papers
LP-04: Scholarly Communities, Communication, Pedagogy
The PARTHENOS Training Suite: Empowering eHumanities and eHeritage Research(ers) with essential Knowledge and Skills
Ulrike Wuttke1, Heike Neuroth1, Rothfritz Laura1, Edmond Jennifer2, Garnett Vicky2, Uiterwaal Frank3, Annisius Marie4
1University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany; 2Trinity College Dublin; 3NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies; 4University of Leipzig
When: 10/Jul/2019: 9:00am-10:30am · Location: Club Nine
LP-33: Scholarly Communities, Communication, Pedagogy
Developing and Integrating Training Materials on Research Infrastructures into Higher Education course design: The PARTHENOS Experience
Jennifer Edmond1, Vicky Garnett1, Helen Goulis2, Kristen Schuster3, Ulrike Wuttke4
1Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; 2Academy of Athens; 3King’s College London; 4Fachhochschule Potsdam
When: 12/Jul/2019: 9:00am-10:30am · Location: Pandora Foyer
LP-36: Digital Humanities Theory and Methodology
Digital Humanities, Knowledge Complexity and the Six ‘Aporias’ of Digital Research
Jennifer C Edmond1, Jörg Lehmann2, Mike Priddy3
1Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; 2University of Tübingen, Germany; 3DANS, KNAW, Netherlands
When: 12/Jul/2019: 11:00am-12:30pm · Location: Pandora Foyer
LP-07: Cultures Literatures and Texts
Programmable Corpora: Introducing DraCor, an Infrastructure for the Research on European Drama
Frank Fischer1, Ingo Börner2, Mathias Göbel3, Angelika Hechtl4, Christopher Kittel5, Carsten Milling1, Peer Trilcke6
1National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow; 2Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the Austrian Academy of Sciences; 3Göttingen State and University Library; 4Vienna University of Economics and Business; 5University of Graz; 6University of Potsdam
When: 10/Jul/2019: 11:00am-12:30pm · Location: Black Box
LP-20: Tools Interfaces and Infrastructures
The Oldest Song Score in the Newest Notation: The Hurrian Hymn to Nikkal as Linked Data
Albert Meroño Peñuela1, Marnix van Berchum2, Bram van den Hout3
1Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Huygens ING, The Netherlands; 3International Institute of Social History, The Netherlands
When: 11/Jul/2019: 9:00am-10:30am · Location: Pit
Short papers
SP-19: Cultural Heritage, Art/ifacts and Institutions
“Un Manuscrit Naturellement ” Rescuing a library buried in digital sand
Nicolas Larrousse1, Christophe Jacobs2, Michel Jacobson1, Gilles Kagan1, Joel Marchand1, Cyril Masset1
1CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Sientifique), France; 2Agence Limonade & Co
When: 11/Jul/2019: 2:00pm-3:30pm · Location: Cloud Nine
SP-28: Tools Interfaces and Infrastructures
A Techno-Human Mesh for Humanities in France: Dealing with preservation complexity
Nicolas Larrousse, Joel Marchand
Huma-Num CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Sientifique), France
When: 12/Jul/2019: 2:00pm-3:30pm · Location: Pandora Foyer
SP-04: Cultural Heritage, Art/ifacts and Institutions
Immersive Experiences And Difficult Heritage: Digital Methods As Re-interpreters Of Historically Contested Sites
Agiatis Benardou
University of Glasgow / ATHENA R.C., Greece
When: 10/Jul/2019: 11:00am-12:30pm · Location: Club Nine
Poster Session
When: 11/Jul/2019: 3:30pm-5:00pm · Location: Plein 6
DARIAH Beyond Europe
Quinn Dombrowski1, Frank Fischer2, Jennifer Edmond2, Toma Tasovac2, Marco Raciti2, Sally Chambers3, Joke Daems3, Piraye Hacigüzeller3, Kathleen Smith1, Glen Worthey1, Abigail Potter4, Meghan Ferriter4, Kylie Brass5, Rowan Brownlee6, Alexis Tindall7
1Stanford University, United States of America; 2DARIAH; 3Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University, Belgium; 4Library of Congress, United States of America; 5Australian Academy of the Humanities, Australia; 6Australian Research Data Commons, Australia; 7eResearch South Australia, Australia
How to Sustain an International Digital Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
Marco Raciti1, Maria do Rosário Jorge2, João Fernandes2, Yoann Moranville1, Simon Gabay3
1DARIAH ERIC; 2NOVA FCSH; 3Université de Neuchâtel
Navigating the Complex Landscape of Digital Humanities Methods and Tools with the OpenMethods Metablog
Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra1, Aurélien Berra2, Delfim Leão3, Gimena del Río Riande4, Nicolas Larrousse5, Maciej Maryl6, Yoann Moranville1, Francesca Morselli1,7, Ulrike Wuttke8, Joris van Zundert9
1DARIAH EU; 2Université Paris-Nanterre; 3University of Coimbra; 4CONICET; 5Huma-Num / CNRS; 6Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy; 7DANS-KNAW; 8University of Applied Sciences Potsdam; 9Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands – Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences
Ethics and Legality in the Digital Arts and Humanities
Walter Scholger1, Vanessa Hannesschläger2, Koraljka Kuzman Slogar3
1University of Graz, Austria; 2Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria; 3Institute for Ethnology and Folklore, Croatia
Early Career Researchers and Research Infrastructures: Barriers and Pathways to Engagement
Eliza Papaki, Vicky Garnett
DARIAH ERIC, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
APOLLONIS: The Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation
Panos Constantopoulos
Athens University of Economics and Business / ATHENA R.C.
A CLARIAH Environment for Linguistic Research
Daan Broeder, QiQing Ding, Bas Leenknegt
KNAW/HuC, Netherlands, The
Mediating Research Through Technology @ NEP4DISSENT
Piotr Wciślik1, Maciej Maryl1, Jennifer Edmond2,3, Lars Wieneke4, Jessie Labov5, Pim van Bree6, Geert Kessels6
1Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN), Poland; 2Trinity College Dublin; 3DARIAH ERIC; 4Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History; 5Central European University; 6Lab1100
Nodes and Edges in Literary History. Modelling 19th Century Literary Landscapes
Jens Bjerring-Hansen1, Nicolai Hartvig Sørensen2, Torben Jelsbak1, Frank Fischer3
1University of Copenhagen; 2Society for Danish Language and Literature, Copenhagen; 3National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Exhibition booth
You can also find us at the K.F. Hein Foyer, on the fifth floor of the conference venue (Tivoli Vredenburg, Vredenburgkade 11, 3511 WC Utrecht) from Wednesday to Friday, July 10-12, at our joint exhibition booth with CLARIN, CESSDA, PARTHENOS and SSHOC. Invited experts from all these projects and infrastructures will be demonstrating research, resources and services during coffee breaks.
Check the full programme of DH2019 here.