The DARIAH-EU Working Group Federated Identity Management for DARIAH (FIM4D) organised its second workshop on DARIAH AAI Next Generation for Service Providers in the context of the DARIAH Annual Event 2019, on May 14 in Warsaw.
The workshop was intended for researchers in the DARIAH context that develop or operate online services for the Digital Humanities (DH). It introduced the DARIAH AAI Next Generation and enabled its participants to install, configure and test the Open Source Shibboleth SP to integrate with an online service. The main goal of the workshop was to make the participants familiar with the Shibboleth SP and how it integrates with their Web application.
During the workshop several WordPress Versions were successfully integrated into the DARIAH-AAI.
“After introducing into the matter in theory and with practical configuration file editing, and after integration of a test application, we could successfully integrate WordPress 4.x as well as WordPress 5.x by using a respective plugin. The small number of participants led to a very constructive and fruitful cooperation that allowed for so many results in such a short time frame.”
Martin Haase, Workshop Leader
“I today learned how easy it is to integrate services into the DARIAH AAI. I can’t wait to bring this new information to C²DH and use it to integrate all applications developed and provided there”.
Robert Beta, University of Luxembourg
DARIAH AAI Next Generation
Since 2018, the Next Generation (NG) DARIAH AAI has lowered the barrier to connect services to the DARIAH AAI, by introducing a central AAI proxy between all DARIAH services and all eduGAIN institutions.
Key features of the AAI proxy:
- Almost any SAML Service Provider (SP) library can be used in an application
- No registration of the SP in a federation needed anymore – just exchange SAML metadata with the proxy
- The AAI proxy ensures Identity Provider (IdP) Discovery and the connection to eduGAIN
- It supplies a service with all IdP attributes, plus information from the central DARIAH directory
- It handles user registration and terms of use approval
Find out more about the work developed by FIM4D and DAASI International.