The second and final EOSC Stakeholders Forum, entitled “A community-empowered EOSC”, will take place in Vienna on 21 and 22 November 2018. This two-day event will include various discussions, demonstrations and workshops on the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The forum is organized by the Horizon 2020 project EOSCpilot, the quartermasters for EOSC.
In the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) it should become easier, especially for researchers, to find, share and combine data, software and services. Within EOSC, scientists from the public and private sectors work together, across different academic domains and (European) national borders. In 2017 and 2018, the EOSC pilot project laid the foundations for the development of the EOSC. The most important results so far will be presented in Vienna, alongside plans and possibilities for the future.
During this second EOSC Stakeholders Forum, there are sessions and workshops on various topics:
• Interactive sessions about, among other things, the EOSC governance, architecture and interoperability
• Interactive sessions for different scientific disciplines
• Presentations of the current EOSC-related H2020 projects such as EOSC-hub, FREYA and OpenAIRE-Advance
• Presentations of the different EOSC Science Demonstrators
• Workshops for scientific EOSC users and workshops for business and private organizations
• Workshops on the themes of training, skills, policies and open science
• Sessions and workshops on FAIR Data
• Plenary sessions on the development of EOSC
DARIAH ERIC is actively involved in the development of the EOSC infrastructure, also leading one of the Work Packages at the SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) project. SSHOC brings DARIAH together with partner research infrastructures from the social sciences and humanities in order to build components for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), an ambitious, policy-driven initiative that will enable data-driven research across the disciplines.
For more information on the event or to register visit here.