DARIAH Day Zagreb 2018, the closing event of the Conference Digital art history – methods, practices, epistemologies, is conceived as an insight into the DARIAH-EU activities supportive to a variety of networking practices in the field of Digital Humanities, with particular emphasis on DARIAH’s international working groups.
The meeting will also be used as an opportunity for presenting DARIAH-HR initiative for the establishment of Art, Art History & Technology Working Group, with the aim of bringing together artists, art historians, designers, media theorists, IT specialists, and other professionals involved with new digital media and communication technologies.
Organizers: DARIAH-HR, Institute of Art History, University of Zagreb – University Computing Center SRCE
Date: 14th of November 2018
Venue: SRCE, Josipa Marohnića 5, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Presenters: Toma Tasovac (director, DARIAH-EU); Francesca Morselli (DARIAH-EU), Mirjam Bluemm (DARIAH-DE); Marianne Ping Huang (DARIAH-DK); Walter Scholger (DARIAH-AT); Tihomir Živić i Ana Lederer (DARIAH-HR); Draženko Celjak (DARIAH-HR); Ljiljana Kolešnik, Nikola Bojić i Artur Šilić (DARIAH-HR); Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar (DARIAH-HR).
For more information on the event visit: https://www.art-net-hrzz.org/conference-2018