Storing, securing and making born-digital or digitised information available in a sustainable manner is a major challenge. Concepts such as metadata, Meta Information, Open Data, Big Data… are on the rise but their meaning and content – let alone their implications for social impact – is only seldom questioned. The DARIAH-EU Working Group Sustainable Publishing of (Meta)data therefore aims to organise a workshop with the central theme “(meta)data and archival science”. This workshop will take place on 14 and 15 May 2018 at the National Archives of Belgium in Brussels. Issues regarding (meta)data will be addressed from different viewpoints, implementing an integrated approach by focussing on both technical and practical aspects of (meta)data. The workshop will consist of three half-day sessions, divided over two days. A first session is dedicated to specific challenges regarding sustainable archiving and availability of digital information, such as the usage and implementation of international standards. The second session will focus on new opportunities and challenges which occur in a digital society, and the final session will address communication between archival institutions and researchers.
This workshop will take place at the National Archives of Belgium, Rue de Ruysbroeck 2 – 1000 Brussels.
Full details about the event, including the programme and registration are available on the workshop website.
This workshop has been made possible through the generous support of the DARIAH Theme Programme and Digital Humanities Flanders (Dhu.F), funded by FWO, Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek.