Women Writers in History WG meeting Edinburgh June 27–28
Org. Séverine Genieys-Kirk (s.g.kirk@ed.ac.uk)
This two-day workshop “Cultural Encounters between North, South, West and East: Mapping the Digital Future of European Women Writers before 1900” will take place in June 27-28, 2018, in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, organized by Séverine Genieys-Kirk from the University of Edinburgh.
In this final meeting of the 1st cycle of our DARIAH venture we want to reflect about the possibilities offered by our online tool for the WG members’ (both individual and collaborative) research into women’s writing and reception (before the early 20th century), considered at a large international scale.
In view of creating certain coherence, we suggest focusing on a number of issues that are related to projects currently going on with members of the WG. Therefore, we invite in particular contributions about:
- reception of French (and Swiss) women writers in Europe (project Séverine Genieys- Kirk)
- reception of Italian women writers – in particular Matilde Serao – in Europe (project Els Naaijkens and Amelia Sanz)
- reception of Revolutionary women writers – in particular Mary Wollstonecraft – in Europe (project Laura Kirkley)
- reception of French women writers in France (project Amelia Sanz)
- the supposed specificity of early women’s writing (project Suzan van Dijk)
- reception of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, proposed by Marie Sørbø vis à vis the novel’s bicentenary: to check receptions before 1930 – cf. VRE: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/womenwriters/vre/documents/8f1decca-949d-47eb- ac61-0b5f0c969651/basic-info (in conjunction with a non-DARIAH activity – CFP for a conference at Volda University College, Norway, in September, organized by Dr Timothy Saunders: https://frankenstein2018.com/)
The aim of these papers will be to illustrate our various inputs into the VRE tool, and discuss further the strategies to be implemented to develop and sustain its viability.
Furthermore, there will be room in the program for discussing practical issues relating to
- the ways of having the full benefit of the NEWW VRE, and
- possibilities for funding collaborative research projects: you might propose issues that seem particularly relevant.
Please email your titles and proposals (150 words) by April 30, to Séverine Genieys-Kirk s.g.kirk@ed.ac.uk