DARIAH-AT’s Partner the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna is growing and invites applications for the following positions:
- Communication expert (f/m; 50%; closing date: 2018-03-01)
- Web Developer (f/m; 50-100%)
- Data Curator (f/m; part time 50%) with GIS experience
- Historian (f/m; full time) with GIS experience
- Data Analyst (f/m; 50-100%) with experience in NLP/text technology
- Research Infrastructure Officer (f/m; full time) with focus on Data & Knowledge Management
Please find details of our job announcements at: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/acdh/team/open-positions/
The application deadline is Wednesday, 9 March 2018 (except for Communication expert closing on 1 March 2018)