The Impactomatrix is an interactive website that gives you the possibility to boost the impact of your digital tools or infrastructure components.
Below you find an FAQ on the DARIAH Impactomatrix:
Why do we need it?
Digital research environments in the arts and humanities have to deal with the question what value they provide for the scientific community and how they should make the best use of their granted money. For digital tools and infrastructure components in the Digital Humanities, it is essential to define how they are impacting research practices in the Humanities and beyond. Understanding these implications will help to increase the visibility and transparency, communicate their benefits to potential researchers and funding agencies and strengthen the influence of digital research in the Humanities. The Impactomatrix gathers potential impact factors and success criteria for assessing projects in the arts and humanities.
How does it work?
Based on a selection of 21 impact areas, corresponding factors which influence change in these areas are listed. Additionally, criteria are available which measure changes in the selected impact area.
What is its current state of development?
Currently, the impactomatrix is publicly available and hosted on Github. We are still working on improving the matrix and adding more information to it. We would like to test the Impactomatrix with use cases from the Digital Humanities domain – starting with an assessment of impact criteria for DARIAH: What is DARIAH’s perspective on impact and in which areas does it want to steer change?
Who made it?
The Impactomatrix was developed within DARIAH-DE. It is based on several user surveys and an extensive literature review conducted within the projects. The goal was to weight impact criteria based on different stakeholders such as researchers, funders, service providers and developers. The project report can be found here (in German): Gnadt, Timo, Juliane Stiller, Klaus Thoden, and Viola Schmitt. 2015. “Finale Version Erfolgskriterien R 1.3.3.” Online: Download PDF. The working group on impact criteria and success is now steering the further development and translated the Impactomatrix into English.
The impactomatrix is available here: