The working wroup “Community Engagement” started a campaign to identify research communities relevant to DARIAH’s Virtual Competence Center “Research and Education”.
The working group aims at making meaningful connections with researchers in the AHSS disciplines in order to drive forward work within Virtual Competence Center “Research and Education” (VCC 2).
Results published on VCC 2 blog
During the DARIAH Annual Event in Berlin they asked people to help define relevant target groups for their work. The approach was twofold: An online discussion on twitter, as well as direct engagement with participants of the event. The working group now published results of this activity on VCC 2’s dedicated blog.
Ongoing activity
The survey is ongoing, people who like to help them with identifying and defining communities of practice are invited to share their thoughts on twitter: @CE_DARIAH.
Read the blog post of the WG “Community Engagement”:
Community Engagement working group on Twitter:
Blog of Virtual Competence Center “Research and Education”: