Humanities research teaches us that we cannot expect to protect our own interests by shutting out those of others.
The DARIAH ERIC occupies a unique place within the system of global research.
DARIAH supports the wide dissemination of scientific results through the creation of digital infrastructure, fosters research collaboration among diverse nations, and creates a common platform for sharing between disciplines that ask hard questions about our identities, cultures and histories.
From our privileged perspective as participants in this organisation, we can see what a difference pluralism makes to the quality and impact of the work we support. We can see that all disciplines, not just science and technology, contribute to health and wealth of societies. We see also that all countries need access to international scientific knowledge and networks.
Humanities research teaches us that we cannot expect to protect our own interests by shutting out those of others. We need a variety of perspectives in our research and teaching programmes in order to have tools we need to create just and peaceful societies in a globalised world.
This pluralism should be reflected in funding schemes and institutional settings, therefore we support the international March for Science which seeks to underscore these values; we support open access to research findings; we support our colleagues in Turkey, the UK and the US and around the world, who fear losing their international networks, their research funding, their access to their jobs, or worse; and, finally and most urgently, we support the CEU for its contribution to education and research in Hungary and internationally.
It is an Irish proverb that says: ‘there is no strength but in pulling together.’ It should be an international scientific value to do the same. From this, we all stand to benefit.
Laurent Romary, President, DARIAH Board of Directors
Jennifer Edmond, DARIAH Director
Frank Fischer, DARIAH Director
+++++ DARIAH signatories ++++++
Agiatis Benardou
Anne Baillot
Anne Grésillon
Arianna Ciula
Claire Clivaz
Emiliano Degl’Innocenti
Fabio Ciotti
Helen Katsiadakis
Jakub Szprot
Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar
Lorna Hughes
Manfred Thaller
Marianne Ping Huang
Mike Mertens
Patrik Svensson
Peter Gietz
Riccardo Pozzo
Sinai Rusienk
Sonja de Leeuw
Stefan Schmunk
Suzanne Dumouchel
Vicky Garnett