The DARIAH-EU Annual Event features a series of engaging keynote lectures and interactive sessions, which bring together researchers, technologists, data scientists and cultural heritage professionals. This year’s event will focus on the subject of sustainability of research infrastructures.
The DARIAH-EU Annual Event is open beyond the DARIAH community. It features a series of engaging keynote lectures and interactive sessions, which bring together researchers, technologists, data scientists and cultural heritage professionals. Additionally the DARIAH Annual Event enables colleagues to work together face-to-face on their DARIAH activities, e.g. in Working Group meetings.
This year’s event will focus on the subject of sustainability of Research Infrastructures. The event consists of two parts:
- DARIAH-EU Plenary sessions and
- parallel sessions with workshops on topics of sustainability of research infrastructures.
The second part is kicked-off by the marketplace where working groups and affiliated DARIAH projects will showcase their research activities.
Additionally, there will be opportunities for colleagues to work together on their DARIAH activities face-to-face, such as Working Group meetings.
We are particularly pleased to announce the keynote speakers that will open and close the event, and that will focus on the event’s theme of sustainability: Roxanne Wyns and Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters.
Further information
Further information can be found on the DARIAH Annual Event webpage, which includes a link to the preliminary programme. Registration for the event will open by the end of March.
Provisional programme
Tuesday, 25th April 2017
(Venue: Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)
- All day: NCC Meeting
- All day: DESIR project meeting
Wednesday, 26th April 2017
(Venue: Harnack Haus, Berlin)
- 9.00-11.00: Working group meetings, Hahn-Hörsaal/Lynen-Zimmer/Humboldt-Zimmer
- 9.00-10.00: JRC meeting, Köhler-Zimmer
- 10.00-11.00: Joint JRC and SMT meeting, Köhler-Zimmer
- 11.00-13.00: SMT meeting, Köhler-Zimmer
- 13.30-13.45: Opening plenary session – Welcome by DARIAH-DE Prof. Dr. Wolfram Horstmann (announced by Dr. Mike Mertens), Hahn-Hörsaal
- 13.45-14.30: DARIAH Strategy 2020 – Meet the new Board of Directors and hear their vision for DARIAH’s future (session chaired by Sally Chambers and Mike Mertens), Hahn-Hörsaal
- 14.30-14.45: Presentation new DARIAH-EU Website (Dr. Suzanne Dumouchel), Hahn-Hörsaal
- 14.45-16.00: Panel – DARIAH-EU Projects and Infrastructures Landscape (HaS (Marco Raciti); DESIR (Dr. Jan Brase); HIRMEOS (Pierre Mounier); PARTHENOS (Sheena Bassett); E-RIHS (Prof. Dr. Reinhard Foertsch), Hahn-Hörsaal
- 16.00-16.30: Coffee break, Meitner-Saal
- 16.30-17.00: Introduction Sustainability Theme (Dr. Jennifer Edmond), Hahn-Hörsaal
- 17.00-18.00: Keynote Lecture: Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (title TBA), Hahn-Hörsaal
- 18.00-18.30: DARIAH-DE Session – Presentation of the DARIAH-DE DH Award winners and opening of the DARIAH-DE coordination office, Hahn-Hörsaal
- 19.30-20.00: Social Dinner (TBA)
Thursday, 27th April 2017
(Venue: Harnack Haus, Berlin)
- 9.00-10.30: Marketplace: posters and demo sessions (incl. coffee break), Meitner-Saal
- 10.30-12.00: Workshops Sustainability, Köhler-Zimmer/ Lynen-Zimmer/Humboldt-Zimmer
- 12.00-12.30: Reporting back from workshops, Hahn-Hörsaal
- 12.30-13.30: Lunch break, Meitner-Saal
- 13.30-14.30: Keynote Lecture: Roxanne Wyns, KU Leuven – LIBIS “From paper to digits. Challenges and opportunities of Digital research”, Hahn-Hörsaal
- 14.30-14.45: Official Closure and credits (Board of Directors and Program Committee), Hahn-Hörsaal
- 14.45-15.00: Coffee break, Meitner-Saal
- 15.00-16.30: WG exchange session, Hahn-Hörsaal
- 15.00-16.30: VCC2 meeting, Köhler-Zimmer
- 15.00-16.30: WG meetings, Lynen-Zimmer/Humboldt-Zimmer
- 16.30-18.00: WG meetings, Hahn-Hörsaal/Lynen-Zimmer/Humboldt-Zimmer
Friday, 28th April 2017
(Venue: Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)
- All day: Humanities at Scale Project Meeting (TBC)
The DARIAH-EU Annual Event is open beyond the DARIAH community to all scholars interested in Digital Humanities in general, and in sustainability of data, software, or research infrastructures, in particular. There is no attendance fee, but registration is required. Registration (via Scienceconf) will open by the end of March. A link to the registration page will be placed on the event page.
Scientific committee
- Femmy Admiraal – Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
- Mirjam Blümm – Göttingen State and University Library
- Suzanne Dumouchel – Centre national de la recherche scientifique Huma-Num
- Marianne Ping Huang – School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
- Nicolas Larrousse – Centre national de la recherche scientifique Huma-Num
- Francesca Morselli – Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
- Andrea Scharnhorst – Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
- Dirk Wintergrün – Max Planck Institute of the History of Science
- Épistémologie et méthodes (Catégorie principale)
- Esprit et Langage > Information > Sciences de l’information
- Esprit et Langage > Épistémologie et méthodes > Digital humanities
- Harnack Haus – Ihnestraße 16-20
Berlin, Allemagne (14195)
- mercredi 26 avril 2017
- jeudi 27 avril 2017
- DARIAH, DARIAH-EU, Annual Event, sustainability, Digital Research Infrastructures
- Femmy Admiraal
courriel : dariah-cio [at] dariah [dot] eu
- Femmy Admiraal
courriel : dariah-cio [at] dariah [dot] eu
« DARIAH Annual Event 2017 », Informations diverses, Calenda, Publié le lundi 20 mars 2017,