DARIAH is now cooperating with two Universities from Finland and Norway.
In its latest meeting DARIAH’s General Assembly accepted applications from Helsinki’s Aalto University, as well as from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. “We were very happy about the applications”, comments DARIAH’s director Laurent Romary. “DARIAH strives to involve the Nordic countries more. Hence, it is a great success for us to involve the two universities in our work, both are outstanding partners with a great deal of expertise and large versatile networks”.
NTNU – Norways largest University
“Digital Humanities is a key research area for several faculties for us here at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology”, says Thomas Sørlie Hansen from the university’s faculty of humanities. Several departments at our faculty are therefore very eager to contribute to DARIAH: The department of Music, the department of Art and Media Studies through the research group Media Acts and the department of Language and Literature with several research groups”.
NTNU is Norway’s largest university with about 38 000 students. More than 300 PhD- degrees are awarded yearly in the fields of technology, science, arts and humanities, social sciences and medicine. NTNU has a broad range of contacts with industry, business and the public sector, as well as with organisations in art and culture. In order to build up NTNU’s research profile in Digital Humanities, the Art and Technology task force (ARTEC) was founded in March 2015
Well-connected: Finland’s Aalto University
“Aalto University will contribute to DARIAH with elements for ontology and linked open data services, as well as tooling related to producing, publishing, and analysing linked data in digital humanities research, as well as using linked data in practical DH applications”, says Professor Eero Hyvönen from the university’s Department of Computer Science, Research Director of the department’s Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) and director of Heldig, Helsinki’s Centre for Digital Humanities.
Aalto University is the second largest university in Finland. It consists of four technical schools, the School of Arts and Design, and the School of Business. In the field of Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities, the university has collaborated with many other Finnish universities as well as cultural heritage organisations. Collaborations with the University of Helsinki have been especially intensive and Aalto University participates in the new DH centre Heldig, the Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities. Aalto University is well-known internationally from its work on Linked Data technologies, analysing complex network systems, and data mining and learning.
Cooperating Partners in DARIAH
Cooperating Partners may access DARIAH resources and are able to shape these by participating in working groups, through which Partners can showcase and offer their own expertise in the extensive network of international digital humanities scholars that DARIAH represents. DARIAH currently has twelve Cooperating Partners. Apart from the two new ones, there are one university in Sweden, three universities in the UK, and five universities and one research facility in Switzerland.
For more information see the links below and / or contact DARIAH’s Communications Officer, Jakob Epler, jakob.epler@dariah.eu.
Further reading:
General information: http://dariah.eu/about/dariah-in-a-nutshell.html
Members and Cooperating Partners: http://dariah.eu/about/ourpartners.html
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Facts and Figures: http://www.ntnu.edu/facts
Faculty of Humanities: http://www.ntnu.edu/hf
Department of Music: http://www.ntnu.edu/music
Research group Artec: https://www.ntnu.edu/artec
Department of Art and Media Studies: http://www.ntnu.edu/ikm
Research group Media Acts: https://www.ntnu.edu/mediaacts
Department of Language and Literature: http://www.ntnu.edu/isl
Aalto University
General information: http://www.aalto.fi/en/about/
Department of Computer Science, Aalto University: http://cs.aalto.fi
Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo): http://seco.cs.aalto.fi
Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (Heldig): http://heldig.fi