#dariahTeach invites proposals for six grants for junior scholars to participate at the Workshop “Open Education” on digitally enhanced learning, OER and MOOCs.
Digitally enhanced education exists on a global scale and plays a major role in the advancement of education. Many questions still remain regarding how digital learning tools and objects, offered as open education resources (OER) or full programs (MOOCs), are implemented. “Open Education”, as part of the DARIAH 2016 Theme on Public Humanities, is a workshop organized in Lausanne (CH) by the #dariahTeach consortium. This workshop is focused on how new pedagogical aspects of digitally enhanced learning may be driven by communities, enablers and stakeholders. This event, which will include expertise from Education Science, will like to engage in discussions and collaborations with the goal of putting the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of digitally enhanced learning, OER and MOOCs as a public good on the agenda. It is endorsed by ADHO, EADH and Humanistica. We open a call for six grants for junior scholars (deadline: 10th November 2016).
This workshop will welcome, by invitation only, 25 scholars from diverse European countries, involved in Open Education (22-23 March 2017, Lausanne). It is an event joined to the Open Resources #dariahTeach closing conference (23-24 March 2017, Lausanne). We are offering six travel and accommodation grants (max. 800 Euros) to junior scholars, PhD students are also welcome to apply. The selected junior scholars are invited to also participate in the Open Resources conference. It is organized by Aarhus University, DCU/ATHENA RC, the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, the University of Lausanne and the University of Teacher Education State of Vaud, on behalf of the VCC2 Working Group “Teaching and Education” and the #dariahTeach Consortium (dariah.eu/teach).
We welcome abstracts (500 words + references) on any of the following topics:
- Typologies of open education resources (OER) and learning methods/outcomes
- Communities of enablers and users: formal and informal learning, summer schools, workshops, and for-credit modules
- Enabling maximum participation and re-use
- OER and MOOCs in Education Frameworks: Quality Assurance
- Metadata standards for educational materials
- Exploitation and sustainability of OE
Please forward your abstract with a short CV to claire.clivaz@sib.swiss by the 10th November 2016. Bursaries will cover travel and two nights accommodation up to €800. Decisions will be communicated by the 1st December 2016. The proposals will be selected by the Co-PIs of the #dariahTeach team: Susan Schreibman, Agiati Benardou, Claire Clivaz, Matej Durco, Marianne Huang, Stef Scagliola and Toma Tasovac.
Dates: 22-23 March 2017
Location: Amphimax building, Room 414, 1st floor, Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Contact information: Claire Clivaz, claire.clivaz@sib.swiss