From this March on German DARIAH Member DARIAH-DE is in its third funding phase.
From this March on German DARIAH Member DARIAH-DE is in its third funding phase. The DARIAH Member will receive 5 million Euros in the next three years from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. With the money it is striving for long-term sustainability, which includes building up a coordination office for DARIAH activities in Germany.
DARIAH-DE was established in 2011 and is one of the founding members of DARIAH. It has 15 cooperating partners in Germany. They contribute a large variety of tools, data and activities to DARIAH. Examples are the virtual research environment TextGrid, the DARIAH-DE Geobrowser, which helps visualizing and analyzing spatial data, and a wiki that supports the DARIAH community’s internal communication.
Read more about DARIAH-DE on their website.